February 2023 Minutes

  • Mountainside Elementary School Community Council

    February Meeting Minutes
    Monday, February 6, 2023, 3:45 PM

    Welcome! Cam Amott
    In Attendance: Cam Amott, Christy Oldham, Nancy Arcos, Teresa Myers, Lisa Taylor, Wendy Osborne, Brittny Amott, Kerry Harris, Jana Greene, Natalie Herb

    January Minutes Motion to approve: Teresa Myers         2nd: Brittny Amott           Voting: All In Favor

    Mr. Cam Amott
    1. Mid-year Acadience Report and Trustland Goals
    Reading: From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, students performing at benchmark will increase by 5% on the Acadience Reading Composite score. Mr Amott reviewed Acadience testing results, which are great.
    We missed our goal by 1%, which is only 2 students.

    2. Mid-year Go Math Assessment Data
    As of February 6, 2023 87.8% of Mountainside’s K-6 students are achieving 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter GoMath assessments. Mr Amott reviewed Go Math testing results which are great. Our goal was 86% and we
    reached 87.8%.

    3. Options for Next Year’s School Improvement Goals
    Pros of growth goals - Includes progress of all students
    Cons of growth goals - At high performing schools (like Mountainside) it can be difficult for high performing students to show typical or above typical growth. They’ve hit the ceiling

    MATH - The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 55% or higher at the Mid-Year diagnostic on the iReady exam.

    READING - The median progress for typical or above typical growth will be 65% or higher at the Mid-Year Acadience Pathways of Progress.
    Pros of proficiency goals: Align with state and district goals, Measure what we want for each student (to be proficient).
    Cons of proficiency goals: Primarily focuses on the hand full of “bubble” students and not every student.
    Math- 87% of students, K-6, will score 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter Go Math assessments. OR 48% of students, 1-6, will score at or above grade level on the mid-year IReady diagnostic assessment.

    READING - From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, K-6 students performing at benchmark will increase by 5% on the Acadience Reading Composite score. We might try a new way of measuring growth and improvement.

    4. 2023-2024 School Calendar Options
    An email sent out by the school district had 3 calendar options for next year. Most in attendance liked the calendar option that ended May 31st.

    Motion to Adjourn: Natalie Herb        2nd: Nancy Arcos          Voting: All In Favor

    Next Meeting: Monday, March 6, 2023 3:45, in the library
    Council Meeting Dates: April 10, May 1