SCC March 2023 Minutes
March 16, 2023
In Attendance
Mrs. Mckell
Ashley Martin
Christy Storrs
Daneal Schmidt
Carl Francis
Ryan Walker
Review last month’s minutes:
NEW BUSINESS:Budget: Money still left for Parapro. Substitute budget is currently being used to allow teachers to go observe others around the school. Teacher travel has been spent. Technology money is currently being spent to get more chromebooks. Our school has almost 1 to 1 devices. There is still some carry over to be spent.
Details for kindergarten registration have been sent out.
Explanation and discussion of proposed Trustland Goals and allocated money. Goals were presented and the amounts proposed for each section were discussed and explained.
Next year's Trustlands budget: Lincoln is getting $70,983.48 new for next year.
Money can only be spent in a way that can be tied to a measurable goal.
ELA Goal: Goal is tied to the Acadience test pathway growth for k-5. Sixth grade goal is tied to HMH Reading Growth Measure Test.
The goal has changed from individual grade percentages last year to a percent of children reaching a certain amount of progress.
Math Goal: Kindergarten and first grade are looking at the scores based on GoMath Tests. The 2nd - 6th grade goal is based on IReady assessment growth.
TSI Goal: We will raise the number of SWD and ELL students’ growth scores by at least 5% in each subject area of the 2024 RISE assessment from the overall average of the 2023 assessment.
Money comes from Trustlands, the district, and other grants/or similar. This money is distributed across the building, technology, people, and other resources for the students.
Motion to Adjourn
Ashley moved to adjourn
Christy second the motion