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    School Community Council Minutes

    Wednesday, February 01, 2o23

    Media Center

    4:00 p.m.


    Sasha Beorchia, Katie Weber, Jullie Payne, Alex Fife, Mckay Wilson, Chantel Labrum, Marisa Herd, Chad Hawkes


    Present: Sasha Beorchia, Katie Weber, Jullie Payne, Alex Fife, McKay Wilson (via zoom)  Chantel Labrum, Marisa Herd, Rusmary Cantaro



    1. Call Meeting to Order

    -Alex called the meeting to order and Sasha seconded the motion. 

    1. Welcome


    1. Approval of past minutes

    -Alex approves the past minutes, and Chad seconded the motion. 


    1. Review of Old Business

      1. Update on School LAND Trust  & TSSA Budgets

        1. Headphones were purchased for  $1300. 

        2. We are continuing to use funds for paraeducators, and we will also plan to purchase more Reading Mastery materials. 

      2. TSI Update

        1. The TSI committee met and discussed ideas that we could implement school wide. Some of those strategies are aligning our writing curriculum, using 1 graphic organizer schoolwide, and using the “7 steps” book for the staff to keep implementing ideas. 

        2. We are also still trying to hire paraeducators to help with math and reading instruction. Spread the word that we need paraeducators. 

      3. Follow-up on School Fundraiser ideas

        1. Jullie will follow up on this in a week about fundraiser ideas. 

      4. Any Updates on Grants Searches

        1. Nothing to report on grant updates. If we have any specific grants we are looking for we can bring it to Alex and she can look into it for us. 


    1. New Business

    1. Academic Data Discussion for current budget implementation

      1. Beginning of the year all students were tested, and the middle of the year students were tested K-5th, and a group of students in 6th that we wanted to keep our eyes on. 

      2. From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, kindergarten grew 22%, 1st grade grew 6%, 2nd  grade grew 6%, 3rd grade maintained, 4th grade went down by 3%, and 5th grade went down by 4%. The 6th grades goal is based on growth measure, which will happen at the end of the year.  The % of growth or decline could only be the difference of a couple of students. 

      3. For our Iready math goal, we have an ambitious goal of having 75% (on TSSA goal) and 80% (for our School Land Trust plan) students will make 100% of their growth on the Iready assessment from beginning of the year to the end of the year. 

      4. What academic needs the council should address in the upcoming school year?

        1. Chad talked about math in 5th grade, specifically challenges with fractions. Chad talked about reteaching when necessary, and redoing some of the questions on the test, as a grade level. 

        2. Some of our goals come from our TSI plan. 

        3. We have been able to see lots of growth with using  iReady as opposed to Go math, which is what we used last year for our goal. Kindergarten still uses Go math, because they don’t use chromebooks. Iready lets us know how they are doing across the board, whereas Iready measures where the students are across the board. 

    2. School Goals and Improvement- We will talk about our ideas for goals at the next meeting. 

    3. Teacher and Student Success Plan-We will talk more about data and goals next meeting. 

    4. Any other items

      1. The Knights on the Run fundraiser  is the 24th of February. It was brought up that some kids don’t like to run, or it stresses them out. Having special assignments for students on a case-by-case basis. There will be 3 different options so the parents can donate. You can pay the flat rate of $15, or buy a shout-out poster for $5, or parents can buy more raffle tickets for $2 a raffle ticket. Everything will be digital. 


    1. Call to Adjourn Meeting 

      1. Alex motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Chantel seconded the motion. 

    2. Adjournment


    Next Meeting: March 8, 2023 at 4:00 pm