What is the School Community Council?

  • Each public school, in accordance with Utah State Legislature, is required to establish a School Community Council (SCC) consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. The council makes decisions about the funds the school receives from the School LAND Trust Program. For the 2023-24 school year, North Park Elementary received $67,471 for school improvement.  The council prepares a school improvement plan and a School LAND Trust spending plan to identify and address the school's greatest academic need(s). Plans are submitted to and approved by the local school board for implementation the following year.  Other duties of the council include the development of a Child Access Routing Plan, a reading achievement and intervention program, and giving input on digital citizenship and safe technology use in schools. The council may also act as an advisory board for any topics related to the functions of the school, such as reviewing the Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) plan.

    Parents are welcome to serve on the School Community Council. SCC members are elected each fall of the current school year. Members include a combination of school employees, the principal, and parents or guardians of students attending the school. Information about how to file for candidacy is shared in the Fall. Please contact the school office with questions about how you can serve on the council.

2023-2024 School Community Council Members

  • This year’s council is shown in the table below. You are encouraged to share your ideas, comments, and concerns with the council to help improve our school.

    *Not an elected member of the council listed for school correspondence purposes only

2023/2024 SCC Meeting Times

  • The North Park School Community Council typically meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the North Park media center. The 2023-2024 meeting schedule is shown below.  Council meetings are open and public; all are invited to attend.  Additional information, school plans, meeting agendas, and minutes are posted on the school website at:  https://www.ccsdut.org/domain/281

    The 2023-2024 meeting schedule is shown below. 

    Council meetings are open and public; all are invited to attend. 

    *September 27, 2023

    November 1, 2023

    December 6, 2023

    January 3, 2024

    February 7, 2024

    March 6, 2024

    *March 27, 2024

    May 1, 2024

    *Not on the 1st Wed of month - Date adjusted