Community Council Agenda (scroll down for the minutes)
Wednesday February 22, 2023
Welcome – Carrie Sharp
New Business
Review School Safety Protocols
Data Review from Winter Assessment. Providence Elementary and Cache District.
Discipline / Recess
Trustlands goals for 2023-2024.
Adjourn - Next Meeting: March 22, 2023
Council Members
Phone Number
Jeremy Bone
Jordan Kerr
Carrie Sharp
Ashley Poole
Heidi Cole *
Jeff Keck *
* Denotes School Employee
Providence Elementary Community Council Meeting Minutes
February 22In attendance: Mr. Keck, Mz. Cole, Mr. Bagley, Mz. Sharp, and Mr. BoneMr. Keck distributes copies of districtwide test scores. We discuss i-Ready math scores, and Acadience reading scores.We discuss school safety protocol. We talk about the possibility of having visitor badges required for all visitors. We discuss the option of all visitors being required to turn in their drivers license to gain admittance to the building.Mr. Keck expresses the desire for district wide consistency on school front door safety policy. We all agree.We discuss questions raised about students missing recess for discipline problems. Mz. Sharp expresses concern that this is an out dated practice and hopes it is widely accepted as inappropriate by teachers. Mr. Keck and Mz. Cole agree teachers do not hold students in from recess for behavior problems.We discuss the use of next year‘s trust land goals budget. Mr. Keck explains the funding is to be used for the areas of highest academic need, being math and reading. Mr. Keck proposes it is used much in the same way as past years: for paraprofessionals and technology.Mr. Keck proposes replacing some chrome books that will be expiring soon. Mr. Keck proposes to continue to use some funding for professional development for teachers, and to send some teachers to the Solution Tree Conference in Salt Lake City again. And that some of the money is used for the reading counts program.Mz. Cole and Mz. Sharp express preference for funding priority to be placed on people over technology.It is suggested that to implement the Rad Kids program Mz. Poole had suggested previously, perhaps money could be used from the TSSA plan instead of Trust Land funding.Mr. Keck will compile a trust land goals budget proposal to be reviewed at our next meeting.The meeting is adjourned. -