School Goals for 2023-24

Trust LAND Final Reports

Additional Information


    The School LAND Trust Program, established by the legislature in 1999, distributes the “annual dividend” from the permanent State School Fund through school districts and charter schools for all public schools in the state. Elected parents, elected teachers, and the school’s principal serve on School Community Councils. School Community Councils in each school prepare a plan to address the school’s greatest academic need. Local School Boards approve the plans, and funding is sent to each school with an approved plan before the school year begins.

    Providence Elementary as well as other school's plan can be found at the following address:

    Parents, if you are interested in becoming a critical part of the school team that helps to decide where Trust Land monies should be designated, please consider running for School Community Council.  Elections are held each fall.


    School Land Trust Funding for the 2020-2021 school year is $94,067.


    Here is the 2017-2018 Land Trust report


    Related Files (Old Land Trust reports and Trustlands Documents)


School Goals for 2020-21

  • Goal 1: Decrease the percentage of K-3 students scoring below ACADIENCE middle of year composite benchmark from 21% in 2020 to 19% in 2021.

    Goal 2: Increase the percentage of students in the proficient and highly proficient range from 67% in 2019 to 69% in 2021 as measured by the Utah Summative Assessment in mathematics (RISE).


    TSSA 2020-2021

School Goals for 2019-20

  • 2019-2020

    Goal 1: As a school, by the end of the 2019-2020 school year, at least 79% of our students will be in the proficient or advanced level on the Scholastic Reading Inventory Assessment (SRI).  Our goal is an increase in 1% from last years goal.

    Goal 2: Teachers will implement at least 4 STEAM activities and teacher will participate in professional developement throughout the course of the school year.  This will focus on big level activities that incorportate science, technology, engineering, art and math.