SCC Minutes January 2023
January 19, 2023
In Attendance
Mrs. Mckell
Ryan Walker
Ashley Martin
Carl Francis
Mrs. Allen
Reviewed Trust Lands Budget and what is remaining at the almost halfway point of the year
Also went over TSSA Budget ( Doing well in both )
Digital Citizenship: (Mrs. Allen) House Bill 213 passed, created this citizenship ( we as SCC are here to make sure this program happens) K-12 needs to have these lessons. ( only some lessons are required) For 6 weeks, a lesson a week. White ribbon week will be in February, so it can relate with internet safety.
Book Challenges: We are also the committee if someone wants a book removed. The Statement Of Policy we received at the meeting is all the procedures that would happen or what the policies are. We would be the ones in the end to decide if it stays or not.
Next few meetings will be important and will dive into the budget for next year. ( February will be looking at the last years budget)
Kindergarten Registration: Community slacks at getting them registered in time, parents are getting them registered late. Try to find ways to get the word out better, have the city send out a call and help spread the word, newsletter, and have youth help pass out flyers.
The Buzz In System: Quality isn’t the greatest, so sometimes it's hard to recognize parents. Trying to get a new camera or figure out a solution.
Motioned to Adjourn
Carl moved to adjourn
Audrey Second the motion