• Community Council


    February 14, 2022 7am


    Main Office Conference Room Members in attendance: Dave Swenson, Shane Jones, Ruth Seedall, Nicole Oksness, Monica Edelmayer, Heather Taylor ,Rachel Merkley, Raquel Bushman, Rhonda Wright,Alexis Clegg, Christi Caroll, Grant Calverley, Teri Rhodes (School Board Member), Debbie Brough (parent)


    Rhonda called the meeting to order at 7:02am and welcomed all in attendance. Nicole called for a motion to approve the minutes from December, Raquel seconded. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes. Christi called for a motion to approve the minutes from January, Rachel seconded. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.


    Hat’s Off Nominations: Nominate a full time teacher that has made a difference on the website. Due March 4th.


    Sterling Scholars: All 14 of GC Sterling Scholars moved onto the semi finals, we are the only school in the state that all went on. Finals are in mid-March. This speaks to the students and the teachers that nominated them. We The People took State on Thursday and qualified for Nationals. Great job students!


    Kim Bagley Media Up-Date: GC has a focus on literacy and great administration support. There are 14k items in the library. Reading just a bit everyday really adds up. Students average 8 minutes/day reading in school, Kim is part of a committee to discuss how to increase this number. The district is currently holding a reading competition, GC goes back and forth between 1st and 2nd place.


    COVID Connections Schedule: Current Freshman have apathy, they don't follow through and get things done. Is this because of COVID during their middle school years and no requirements to advance to HS? This is being discussed with the MS administration. Pack and Prep time are full, the teachers use the extra time at the end of the school day to reach out to students who have missed school. At the end of trimester, the schedule may switch back if attendance is up. Teri shared, as of 1/21 absenteeism was 19-31% at secondary schools, last week it was 11-20%. Often it is a choice, not COVID related. There has been a behavior shift- I can just go online and get school work. Activity based classes suffer with the shorter classes and 80% of students pay the price for 20% of students. The loud minority are controlling/skewing legislation this year. Parents who are happy generally don’t speak up. Alexis said teachers are tired and overwhelmed. We love the kids and are doing all we can! There was a discussion on how we can turn the control back to the school, make it more teacher driven rather than student driven. Christi explained how Pack Hour works- teachers send notes to students to have them come in to get work done. When students are in danger of not passing, that is when parents are notified. Students are not taking advantage of Pack Hour, they are not even using class time! Example given- a student had missed 84 classes and attended 4 Pack Hours. If a student has 3-5 failing grades they attend Guided Pack Hour with the 6-7 Social Work interns at the school, teachers take care of students that have 1-2 failing grades. Are we preparing the kid for the road or the road for the kid? Students (and parents) need to be accountable. What can we do? Speak up! Send a thank you to teachers and administrators! Reach out to Legislators! Don't be the silent majority! We have amazing teachers. Let them know you appreciate them. The efforts of teachers and administrators is what makes our school so great and successful.


    Freshman Night: 60% North Cache incoming Freshman and 90% Spring Creek incoming Freshman attended. It was a great night.


    Graduation: Fernando is graduating!! His goal was to graduate from HS and he will do it on Wednesday. CONGRATS!!!


    For the Next Meeting: What measures the success of schools? What target are we trying to hit? We set “specific and measurable goals” like increase ASPIRE scores 2% but is that what we want to measure?


    Next meeting: March 14, 2022, 7am


    The meeting was adjourned at 8:17a.m