• School Community Council Minutes For March 13, 2023


    Attendance: Heather Taylor, Ruth Seedall, Jim Crosbie, Phil Morris, John Anderson, Nan Koebbe, Terri Rhodes, Monica Edelmayer, Shannon Walker, Julie Olsen, Rachel Merkley, Rhonda Wright, Nicole Oksness, Christi Carroll, Rory Anderson, Darren Perkes


    Acknowledged the minutes from February: Motion to accept minutes was from Julie Olsen and Rachel Merkley


    Turned time over to John Anderson and we went through the proposed Trustland Plan. *The Goal for the trustland is as follows: Green Canyon High School Ell students will perform above the lowest 5% of all schools in the Achievement portion of the Utah accountability system. To do so, we will adjust our instructions to more closely match the ACT and ACT aspire tests, provide practice testing opportunities and utilize school-wide tier 1 instructional and engagement strategies, and focus on our El and SWD populations to improve our Schools Achievement Scores.


    Solution Tree PLC event is for 10 teachers who attend a conference for professional training to learn how to benefit students


    Green Canyon is staying at budget proposed of 247,198.14


    We discussed a way to educate parents and students to not opt out of the Aspire test. There was discussion of making it a competition.


    Rory Anderson brought up #3 under Action Plans of the proposed trustland and it was discussed to modify it to say core classes. 


    Will carry over from last year and this proposed plan looks like 269,500 is the budget. No hard numbers have been set.

    Motion to accept the 23-24 Trustland Plan was motioned by Rachel Merkley and second by Julie Olsen.  Meeting wrapped up and discussion of future middle schools/ elementary was discussed. Nothing is concrete.


    23-24 Proposed Trustlands Plan


    Green Canyon High School ELL students will perform above the lowest 5% of all schools in the Achievement portion of the Utah accountability system. To do so, we will adjust our instruction to more closely match the ACT and ACT Aspire+ tests, provide practice testing opportunities, utilize school-wide tier 1 instructional and engagement strategies, and focus on our EL and SWD populations to improve our school’s Achievement Scores.


    Academic Areas

    College and Career Readiness

    Educational Technology/Library/Media

    English/Language Arts

    Financial Literacy

    Fine Arts

    Graduation Rate Increase



    Physical Education


    Social Studies

    World Languages



    With an emphasis on the performance of our SPED and English Learners (EL), 

    • Teachers will work on implementing and/or improving one instructional or engagement strategy per month. This will be reported and recorded monthly in their department meetings.

    • All teachers will identify and utilize a mid- and end-of-term assessment for each trimester emphasizing reading, writing, science, or math. With the assessments, we will measure the percentage of all students passing classes, with the EL and SPED subcategories identified and reported separately.


    Action Plan Steps and Expenditures 

    NOTE: Based on our 22-23 budget of $247,198.14, anticipated carry-over, and additional funding increase for 23-24.

    1. Solution Tree PLC event for 10 People: $9,500 

      1. Registration ($8,000)

      2. Meals ($500)

      3. Parking and Mileage ($1,000)

    2. Compensation for staff (Totalling 500 hours at $32/hr): $16,000 (100 and 200)

      1. Literacy Team

      2. Curriculum/Professional Development Team

      3. Department Leadership Team

      4. ELL team (Phlote analysis, screening students, ELLevation, parent communication, student scheduling, EL parent meetings). 

    3. Provide 2 FTE (in addition to 1-2 FTE from TSSA) to lower core class sizes $150,000.00 (100 and 200)

    4. Hire two EL aides (totaling 36 hours/week at $15/hr) for $20,000 (100 and 200) 

    5. Hire a Vista/guided PACK assistant (~30 hours/week at $15/hr) to work with Tier 1 at-risk students. The focus will be on attendance and academic help. $19,000 (100 and 200)

    6. Hire a Data and Testing coordinator (~30 hours/week at $15/hr). Duties include assisting our Tier 1 at-risk students, providing data to teachers and administration about attendance and academic needs, and being the director of surveys, testing administration, and testing coordination. $19,000 (100/200)

    7. Student Assembly focused on Internet Safety Education (Net Positive) $1,000 (3400)

    8. ELL Field Trip Travel $1,000 (5800)

    9. ELL Field Trip Activity $1,000 (6100)

    10. Supplies for ELL parent meetings, etc., $2,000 (6100)

    11. Summer teacher PLC (12 hours/teacher x 80 teachers x $32/hr) for curriculum design, assessment, and instructional improvement $31,000 (100 and 200)

    Totaling $269,500


    If additional funding is available, or significant carry-over, we will hire additional EL aides to assist in the core classrooms.