• GCHS Community Council Minutes




    January 9,2023

    Items listed in order of Discussion


    Attendance: Rhonda Wright, Heather Taylor, RachelMerkley, Nicole Oksness, Matt Fuller, John Anderson, PhilMorris, JimCrosbie, Nan Koebbe, Grant Calvary, Ruth Sedall, Monica Edelmayer, Darren Perkes and Teri Rhodes


    1. Items of business: Accepted the minutes from September and November/Motion to approve was Matt Fuller and 2nd was Ruth Sedall


    1. Went over the Rules of Order and procedure to conduct Community Council Meetings: Be on time for meetings, Come prepared, value opinions etc., a handout as passed out.


    1. Pack Pick Day: This event will be held January 11,2023. This gives teachers a chance to promote their passion in their subject area. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions and find which classes and teacher would be a good fit. Clubs also will be present to allow students to learn about them. This event has been happening for 4-5 years. Seniors will be in the Auditorium.


    1. Accreditation and TSI School Improvement Plan: Making sure schools meet certain standards and Schools Accountable. GCHS Faculty was meeting January 10, 2023 to discuss further. They are prepping to finalize for February 2023. This process happens every 5 years. TSI : Target School Improvement we are below 5% and we have 3 years to get above.This is a moving target. Faculty is gathering information to increase test score aspire etc. for ELL students. Gathering and review with Stakeholders and getting data. Meeting with staff and ESL certified teachers together info.Some ideas to help learning: Guided notes, restating information, aides for classrooms, routines etc Discussed Wida Test


    1. Update on Trustland Budget: Money used for teachers salaries looking at were the remaining money should be allocated and best used Vista Aide and assembly (paid by district)


    1. We discussed Aspire testing. This is a pre ACT test. Prepping underclassmen for ACT. We need to educate parents so they understand and not opt out of test.