November 14, 2022 Minutes




    (committee): J. Anderson, Wright, Crosbie, Calvarley, R. Anderson, Olsen, Seedal, Merkley, Carroll, Perkes, Koebbe, Oksness, Walker, Fuller

    (Non-committee) Terri Rhodes, Debbie Brough, Gordon Peer


    Terri Rhodes (school board president) Sharing first names of community council members

    Plan Amendment update

    School board voted in October and approved that. There were no questions from the school board.

    Netsmartz assembly update

    This fall, but fall break made that hard. Now it is planned for February. This fulfills the school's digital literacy teaching

    Update on plan spending-projection

    A grant now pays for Netsmartz for 3 years so now there is 1k available. Two vista intern funding is there, but they can’t find interns. This also creates 15k extra money. Vista organizes and shares the cost of getting people in the community to do service. These are used in the counseling office mainly. An area that could use it for after-school or during school to pay for aides. The principal is going to have a conversation with team leads about concerns or needs. As a committed, someone supported adding more people. A teacher suggested looking into SPED needs. 

    Sharing proposed ideas and seeking input for Positive Behavior Plan

    Deedra Hinds, Gordon Peer, and Mike Rigby met with district personal to help improve behavior in schools. The state has given 4k with 1k being split between this sub-committee. Deedra and a former VP created a plan to support current structures. Areas to push forward are: gyc (substance abuse), stand for courage (bullying), and hope squad (suicide). These are student-sh led. A thought is these are underutilized. Could these have more student ownership? When asked what student demographic could be looked at, suggestions were 

    The admin mentioned lack of respect for the school and how the school could address it. They are considering sending emails to parents and teachers are going to be more visible to hopefully. A conversation happened about how PACK is utilized. Suggestions were made about supporting a student of the month and making a citizen of the month. Try to highlight kids in the middle. Someone mentioned praising positive behaviors to encourage ownership for helping the school be better. Clarification was made that the issue is a very small group and that Green Canyon is still a great school with a strong culture–best in the valley. Whatever happens, it needs to be intrinsic. Wolfpack academy was suggested to reinforce what is being taught. What is being brought back to the committee: give resources for activities and signage, have announcements to help create intrinsic motivation, sending positive notes to kids at home, and possibly doing it at school during the announcements. 

    New district policy: recognizing constitutional freedoms in public schools

    Faculty were trained on this and were asked to review it on their own so they can reflect and make changes. This can be found in policies under the 3000 section. This will be towards the bottom since it is in alphabetical order.

    Final thoughts

    December meeting: there won’t be one as the school is preparing for the new year and trust land funds. If there is a vote needed, there will be an electronic one sent out.