• School Community Council Minutes

    Wednesday, December 7, 2023

    Media Center

    4:00 p.m.


    Present: Marisa  Herd, Alex Fife, Sasha Beorchia, Chantel Labrum, Jullie Payne, Chad Hawkes

    Absent: Mckay Wilson, Katie Weber

    1. Welcome 

      1. Alex called the meeting to order, and Sasha seconded the motion. 


    1. Approval of past minutes

      1. Alex approved the past minutes, and Marisa seconded the motion to approve the minutes. 

    1. Review of Old Business

      1. Update on School LAND Trust  & TSSA Budgets

        1. Ordered 66 chromebooks and 2 chrome book carts since the last meeting. Each cart is approximately $11,000. We also paid for para educators, and math supplies out of the TSSA budget. We still have funds left to purchase reading mastery materials for reading groups. 

        2. The district is using ESSER (emergency funds) funds to give a chrome book lab to every library. 

        3. Other business: Stacey Wright will be the new librarian, taking over for Patti once Patti retires in December. 

      2. Review Grants Searches

        1. Top 3 funding goals: 

          1. Security

            1. District personnel were at the school today looking at our PA system.

          2. Technology

            1. Alex is looking at some grants for a third chromebook cart, to supplement older grades chrome carts (Jullie has purchased 2 since our last meeting). 

            2. If PTO has any funds left over, we could reach out and see if we can have any matching funds for matching grants. 

          3. Portable bleachers? Special needs playground/enclosed playground?

            1. If things are specialized, like ¨risers/bleachers for our musical program" then we could try to get money that way. 

              1. Jullie will contact the district about this, and see if the district has any companies they recommend getting a quote from. 

            2. The enclosed playground would probably be a multi-year program. An enclosed playground in Preston was around $75,000. 

            3. We need to decide what our highest priorities  are, since TSSA and Trustland money can also be spent on certain things. 

          4. Jullie talked to the teachers about Amazon Wishlists, and that we could put them on the school websites. The PTO is working on a website, and the links will be posted on there as well. 

          5. There are some grants teachers can apply for outside of the Cache Education Foundation. 100% for kids match ($100-$1000), 

          6. Alex will talk to Mandy Wilkinson (Art Teacher) about making sure we are taking advantage of art grants. 

          7. There are lots of companies looking to support STEM projects. 

          8. Book Quest: The PTO has allotted $2,500 for the book quest. Alex is working with Rebecca in the PTO has reached out to Candlewick Press and HarperCollins about donations /discounting bulk rates for Lora & Ulysses"and ¨Wishmakers.¨ If we can get a lower rate for the books, funds could be allocated elsewhere. We were talking about ways that we could get different funding options/ so we can allocate the money for other needs. 


    1. New Business

    1. School Goals and Improvement

      1. We don't have Acadience data yet, because we will take that test in January. 95% of kindergartens are reaching 80% or more on their chapter tests. 1-6th grades are using I-ready to track making typical growth. The majority of our students (337 of 398) so 59% have made typical growth. The end goal is to have 80% make typical growth. 

    2. Safety Update

      1. There is a new buzz-in system by the front doors. Yay! The district ended up paying for the buzzer. We are still working on locking doors on the interior. There is work being done on the PA systems. 

      2. Chad brought up  the idea of having walkie talkies at each bus duty station, so we can communicate if there is an emergency. 

    3. Supporting for the Holidays

      1. All the families that needed support are being supported. Over 70 students are being supported. 

    4. Cache Valley Direct Fundraiser

      1. We raised $5,170 dollars from our fundraiser. We will use this money for technology. 

    5. Any other items

      1. Alex will be gone January 4th, meeting moving to January 12, 2023.

    1. Adjournment

      1. Chad moves to adjourn the meeting and Chantel seconds the motion. 

    Next Meeting: January 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm  (Rescheduled from January 4, 2023)