November 2022 Agenda

  • Mountainside Elementary School Community Council

    Monday, November 7, 2022 3:45 PM
    Mountainside Library
    November Meeting Minutes

    Welcome! Daniel Pugmire
    In Attendance: Mr. Amott, Daniel Pugmire, Jackie Hinnen, KaDee Rawlinson, Natalie Herb, Lisa Taylor, Kerry Harris, Teresa Myers, Christy Oldham, Jana Green, Wendy Osborne, Sara Tye
    Minutes October
    Motion to approve: Jackie Hinnen      2nd: Natalie Herb      Voting: All in Favor

    Sara Tye
    Digital Citizen Report
    Sara reviewed Digital Citizen Report. She spoke about the importance of teaching children and parents online safety. She is currently using Common Sense Media. She said there are many adult resources available. She spoke of a Trust Me documentary on Youtube. She also said there are many resources at PBS Learning Media. The Community members would like info sent to them. Sara will email Daniel with links and info. Daniel to forward to community members.

    Mr. Cam Amott
    1. Trustland Budget Update
    Mr. Amott reviewed the budget and said it is looking pretty good. He said Chromebooks have been ordered and are coming. People have asked why the school orders so many and the answer is that they are only good for a certain amount of time before the software needs to be renewed. They are currently selling the old ones and are buying a new laminator with the profits. The staff were really excited about the new laminator.

    2. State Report Card
    Mr. Amott reviewed the Data Gateway and Rise Assessment Data. Mountainside has a current grade of an A which we are pleased with. Growth of the lowest 25% of students is high and up 77%. Mr. Amott asked why attendance might be down this year. Community members thought it might be because parents are being more cautious about sickness and they are keeping their kids home more. Also, some thought it might be because we no longer require masks. Another reason might be since COVID travel limitations have lifted families are traveling more.

    3. GoMath Assessment Data
    Mr. Amott reviewed the GoMath Assessment Data. The goal is 86%, we are currently 89% which is good.

    4. Food Drive – Nov. 14-18
    Mr. Amott made mention of the Food Drive.

    5. Parent Teacher Conference Nov. 17th and 18th – Parent Online Sign Up Nov. 6-13.
    Mr. Amott made mention of the Parent Teacher Conference.

    Other Concerns/Open Forum

    Adjourn : Motion to adjourn: Teresa Myers      2nd: KaDee Rawlinson      Voting: All in Favor

    Next meeting: January 2, 2023 3:45 PM, in the library

    Council Meeting Dates: February 6, March 6, April 10, May 1