School Community Council Minutes
November 15, 2022
Present: Shane Jones, Brady Fonnesbeck, Janine Justis, Connie Rawlins, Ruth Mudrow, Toni Gibbons, Cheryl Peck, Jessica Higginbotham, Sheri Egbert, Melanie Chambers, John Louviere, Summer Gunn, Teri Rhodes, Kathy Christiansen, Kathy Bullen
We were welcomed by John. Sheri motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting. Toni seconded the motion. All were favor of approval.
Shane asked if anyone has seen the new Podcast that the District Office is doing. Tim is looking for students who have received any recognition etc. to showcased on the Podcast.
RCK Hour Survey
Shane said he is trying to have data on hand to help make some better decisions. We are putting together a data package, but it takes awhile to gather and accumulate the information. We just got information back from the RCK hour survey. It was a 5-question survey. The first question was if they have an adult they connect to here at SV. 78% of the students said yes. It can be any adult. That means there are about 300 students that say they don’t connect. As a faculty we need to reach those students. Seniors were the highest and the Freshmen were the second highest, which was not surprising since that is the goal of the RCK Academy class.
Extracurricular involvement was another question. 40% are involved in athletics and 73% overall. Another question was how important they rank RCK hour. Freshmen were the lowest. In RCK academy class we will reinforce usage of RCK hour.
Ruth talked about one student- some don’t understand how RCK is supposed to be used. Not all lunch hour. Summer wondered if it takes them a little bit of time to recognize the value of it. There are lots of different things going on during RCK – college visits, company visits, recruiting etc.
There was 1% that didn’t get to take survey. We are still working on attendance issues with those students.
Teacher of the Year
Amanda Saltern was the selection for this year. She has been instrumental in getting the video announcements going, gives 110% and is really good working with students who fall behind. She will be recognized Thursday night at the School Board meeting.
Follow up for 1st Trimester
Toni said she really appreciated the leadership class that KayeDawn Falslev taught. The class was designed for leadership in curricular clubs but it was open to anyone who wanted to take it.
Sheri said she believes there is a bigger connection with students and admin/staff and as a school as a whole. Shane followed up with the comment of “We’ve had a lot of students in the office.”
Melanie shared appreciation of the approval of the fine arts trip.
John asked how Halloween went? Shane said there were a few students we had to talk to but overall was good. The students understood because we had addressed it before Halloween.
Cap X/Improvements
We have a lot of community support including money from donors. Tied to Cache Education Foundation, DeLoy Hansen has some apartments that gives funding to the high schools. SV has $100,000 to use mainly for building maintenance and updating.
If there are little things that anyone sees that need to be improved let us know. We’ve had concrete issues in circle drive, have had some classroom painted and are planning on doing an audio system in the Commons.
Ruth said that the women’s bathroom ceilings need to be fixed. Shane said that they are on the agenda – but bathrooms are expensive because they need to be ADA compliant. The District knows they need to be updated and is on the list. We also need to look at some equity issues with gender neutral issues- which is also being looked at with the District. The theater department has dressing room problems with gender issues as well.
Toni mentioned that the football ticket booth needs to be painted. It is noticed from the road. It was also mentioned that parents need disability parking in lower lot. Summer said USU has signs that they keep covered except for during games. Shane said we need to look into that and work something out.
Ruth suggested some new blinds in rooms by the Commons. Nicole Burton also needs a new white board.
Shane reported that we’ve taken a tree down out by the Circle Drive. The goal is to make that area nice and look like it’s the front of the school and to improve parking, etc.
Ruth had a question about school fees? They have been cut and with expenses going up its hard. Shane said there is a big push at the state to not have school fees. Discussions are in the Spring and all fees have to be approved by the School Board.
Ruth also mentioned that a student was in tears because she couldn’t read an analog clock. We need to replace some clocks in rooms.
Digital Citizenship
Tabled until next meeting.
Toni asked if we will be streaming the swim meets? There is no seating for spectators in the pool area. Brady will talk to Marcus for that
Jessica talked about the use of RCK hour. There is a small group of kids that don’t need it, her daughter included and seems like a waste of time to her, but then the Math teachers are very busy during RCK and many students have a hard time getting help with Math. We are always having conversations about RCK hour and how best to utilize it.
Brady gave a big shout out to Stu Howell. He has been doing in-school ISO. He has been working out with 5 students and has been amazing. Teri suggested to have Tim and Gary focus on Stu for Podcast.
John motioned to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Jessica. All in were in favor.
Next meeting, Tuesday, December 20th, 6:45am