October 2022 Minutes
Mountainside Elementary School Community Council
Monday, October 3, 2022 3:45 PM
Mountainside Library
MinutesWelcome! Daniel Pugmire
In Attendance: Mr. Amott, Jackie Hinnen, KaDee Rawlinson, Natalie Herb, Lisa Taylor, Kerry Harris, Teresa Myers, Christy Oldham, and Daniel PugmireMinutes September
Motion to approve: Lisa Taylor 2nd: Christy Oldham Voting: All in favorDaniel Pugmire:
1. Rules of Order and Procedure
Motion to approve: Theresa Myers 2nd: Natalie Herb Voting: All in favorMr. Cam Amott
1. Fall Acadience Reading Data
Mr. Amott shared the process and reviewed the results from the beginning of the year test. The goal is to be up 5% for the next test. This is the same test as last year. The results are up this year from last year. Covid might have some effect on some years.2. iReady Math Data
Mr. Amott shared the results of the beginning of the year test. We are right on track at this point.3. Funding change to TSSA Plan
Mr. Amott reviewed the change. 5 aides will be paid out of the TSSA Fund. It is typically 3.4. PTA - Green Ribbon (Safety) Week
Mr. Amott said we will need to reschedule the Safety Week assembly due to scheduling conflicts. Safe Route Schools through the state will present. We are still doing the assembly; however, as of today, we do not have a date. Mr. Amott will find out when. The Feedback from teachers is that they were unaware of the activities planned for Safety Week.5. School Updates
-Shalon Hansen Mountainside's 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year
-Parent Teacher Conferences November 17-18. Is this too late? In prior years PTC used to be held in October. This year it is Nov. Most in attendance stated they would prefer PTC to be held earlier so that there would be time to set goals if needed and behaviors could be corrected. Mr. Amott will take our input back to the district for next years scheduling of PTC.Other Concerns/Open Forum
A School Community Council Training video is available to be watched by community council members. Here is the link. https://www.schools.utah.gov/schoollandtrust click the What’s New School LAND Trust Program 2021 2022 link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qVATmYHDM8On another note, Mr. Amott stated that scammers love emailing School Community Council members asking them to provide gift cards and other items. Do not respond to these emails. Mr. Amott will never make these requests.
Natalie Herb stated she thought there were too many parties at the end of the year and wondered if the PTA could cut out the Thanksgiving party and just do a small activity geared toward gratitude.
Motion to Adjourn: Natalie Herb 2nd: Kerry Harris Voting: All in favor
Next meeting: Monday, November 7, 2022 3:45 PM, in the library
Council Meeting Dates: December 5 (if needed), January 2, February 6, March 6, April 10, May 1