
  • Community Council April 11, 2022 7am

    Main Office Conference Room


    Members in attendance: Dave Swenson, Jim Crosby, Shane Jones, Cheryl Benson, Ruth Seedall, Nicole Oksness, Monica Edelmayer, Heather Taylor ,Rachel Merkley, Raquel Bushman, Shannon Walker, Rhonda Wright, Christi Caroll, Darren Perks, Debbie Brough (parent)


    Welcome and March Minutes: Rhonda called the meeting to order at 7:02 am and welcomed all in attendance. Rachel called for a motion to approve the minutes from February, Cheryl seconded. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.


    Council Members Returning/Elections: Cheryl and Raquel will not be returning next year, Cindy Faslev is no longer on the committee. We generally have 10 parents, 4 teachers, and 3 administrators. Reviewing the rules and procedures of the council, we need to replace those who are leaving. Dave will get the info out so parents can let their interest be known and have a full committee before the year is over.


    Graduation 2022: Jim has been working on the plans with the district, school, and parents. It will be held Tuesday May 31 at 1pm, USU Spectrum. The next graduation will be at 6pm so we will have plenty of time to set up and linger after graduation. Some of the things planned: props for photo ops at USU, yard signs, Senior video shown followed by fireworks that evening, Senior party night in the Commons, and Lagoon day the previous week. They are trying to fit in all the activities with a balance of finishing off the school year academically.


    PTC: Held Monday April 18th 3:30-6:30 walk ins and Tuesday the 19th 8:00-11:00 by appointment.


    Other: Fernando passed away over the break. The HS choir sang at his funeral services and it was a great experience for all involved. The family is very appreciative to everyone at GC for all the support over the last few years. The school has held fundraisers and donated thousands of dollars to them in the last two years. Cheryl will follow up on a remaining balance for funeral expenses.

    All members of the council have signed the electronic form to approve the plan for next year, thank you.

    Dave is taking a new position with the district next school year. He will be the Director of Secondary Ed. There is a lack of administrative training and Dave will work to fill this void. He will mentor and coach administrators throughout the district as well as a handful of other responsibilities. He will be GREATLY MISSED at Green Canyon but we are excited for the time he will have with family and the good he will spread through the district. There are multiple administration changes happening through the district, the hope is that positions will be announced early May.


    Meeting adjourned 7:45


    Next meeting: May 9, 2022, 7am