• Community Council May 9, 2022 7am

    Main Office Conference Room


    Members in attendance: Dave Swenson, Jim Crosby, Shane Jones, Cheryl Benson, Ruth Seedall, Nicole Oksness, Monica Edelmayer, Heather Taylor ,Rachel Merkley, Raquel Bushman, Shannon Walker, Rhonda Wright, Alexis Clegg, Christi Caroll, Darren Perks, Grant Calverley, Debbie Brough (parent)


    Welcome and April Minutes: Rhonda called the meeting to order at 7:03 am and welcomed all in attendance. Heather called for a motion to approve the minutes from April, Cheryl seconded. The vote was unanimous to accept the minutes.


    Elections: There were 150 responses/votes. New council members include: Rory Anderson, Matt Fuller, and Julie Olson


    Graduation Update: Report by Jim- Signs going in yards this week. Graduation practice will be held the morning of at 8am, back on buses by 9:30am. School will be let out at 11am for students/teachers/staff/admin to get to the 1pm graduation. 360 Graduates this year. There will be photo ops outside the Spectrum, fireworks and a party at the highschool that evening for seniors. There will be school buses to shuttle people from the parking lot to the spectrum.

    Those graduating who have met the new Honors requirements will get an Honor Shawl, 57 students.


    Trust Land: Teacher Salary still has 65k to spend, much will be spent at year end and the rest will go towards summer work. Paras have a small amount left, there are textbooks to buy, memberships fees to pay. Currently we have 53% left to spend but it will be down to the 10% carry over before the deadline.          At GC we invest in teachers- happy teachers=happy students.


    Thank you: Shane and Dave are moving on, thank you thank you thank you for all you have done for everyone in the GC community, you will be missed! Cheryl and Raquel will not be on the council next year either.


    Next meeting: September 12, 2022, 7am The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 a.m.