
  • October 20, 2022


    In Attendance

    Mrs. Mckell

    Deneal Schmidt

    Ashley Martin

    Carl Francis

    Christy Storrs




    Updated trust lands budget as of Oct 13 = $63,326.01

    Updated TSSA budget as of Oct 13 = $58,705.39




    Review School Community Council training

    2 parent majority (check in with walkers)

    School website requirements: check to see all requirements are met and how other schools allocate their trust funds and how their goals differ

    TSSA budget 

    Reviewing data

    School land trust plan

    Digital citizenship 


    Discussed Rules of Order Procedure


    Discussed Lincolns 2022/2023 School plan:

    Trustland Plan: 


    Goal 1: English/Lang arts:  $36,010.00 going towards salaries, tech supplies, software and books/online subscriptions.


    Goal 2: Mathematics: $26,348.00 going towards conferences, books, teacher aides


    Goal 3:  ELL and Students with Disabilities (SWD): $10,000 for Aides


    Total: $72,358  carryover was $14,295.92 from 2021/2022 = $86,653.92


    Title 1 plan:

    Discussed Demographics, Growth and Benchmark which affects schools overall letter grade. (B)

    RISE: The numbers are showing that we are closing the gap in our district with performance

    Acadience (reading): exceeded our growth gains in just about every grade


    Iready math: 15% on benchmark to 56% on benchmark!!!


    What are the School needs:  Breakdown of testing scores and goals



    Motioned to Adjourn

    Audrey  moved to adjourn

    Deneal to Second the motion 


    Printable SCC October 20, 2022 Minutes