September 2022 Minutes
Mountainside Elementary Community Council
Monday, September 12, 3:45 PM
Mountainside Library
MinutesMinutes – May 2, 2022
Motion to approve: Jackie Hinnen 2 nd : Lisa Taylor Voting: All in Favor
Cam Amott1) SCC Membership consideration
Reviewed proposed list of council members. We have parents from Mendon, Young Ward, Petersboro, and Wellsville. Parents voted on parent members.
Motion approved as stated: Kadee Rawlinson 2nd : Christy Oldham. Voting: All in Favor2) Officer determination - Chair (parent), Co-Vice chair, Secretary
a)Chair (parent) – Daniel Pugmire
b)Vice-chair – Kadee Rawlinson
c)Secretary – Christy Oldham
Motion Approved as stated: Rob Oldham 2nd Wendy Osborne Voting: All in favor3) Proposed meeting schedule for the year
Reviewed proposed meeting schedule. Meetings will be held the first Monday of every month except for April. April’s meeting was moved to April 10 th due to spring break. Other dates accepted as proposed.4) Introduction to School Community Council-
Watched the training video located at the link listed explaining the purposes of school community councils.5) New Staff Members
Mr. Amott reviewed the new staff members to the school and their positions. This included Zowie Robinson – Kindergarten, Sally Bair – 1st Grade, Melissa Anderson 2nd Grade, Annalie Laymon – Computers, Tara Ericksen – Music.6) Strategic Learning Plan
The School Board’s Strategic Plan was presented. The SCC discussed academic goal number one which states, “Each elementary student will be reading on grade level by the end of third grade, as evidenced by their third grade literacy scores.” Mountainside builds it’s School improvement plan and TSSA plan around the school board’s strategic plan.
7) Review Mountainside's SCC on school website
Mr. Amott reviewed where to find agenda’s and minutes of previous SCC meetings. He also explained where to find the SCC members and contact information.8) Review School Improvement Plan
Mr. Amott reviewed the School Improvement Plan goals tied to trustland funds. The first goal is that Mountainside’s students will show increased growth on the Acadience Reading Composite report from the beginning of the year to the middle of year assessments. The goal is to move increase students reaching benchmark by 5%. The second goal is math focused and states that 86% of students will achieve 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter Go Math assessments. The majority of Trustland funding goes to pay for additional reading aides.9) Review TSSA Plan
Mr. Amott also reviewed the TSSA goals tied to TSSA funding. These goals were to 1) Monitor student emotional well-being using the Student Well- Being Scale filled out by teachers three times each year. 2) 86% of students will achieve 80% or higher on their end-of-chapter Go Math assessments. And 3) Have all students reading on grade level by the end of 3 rd grade. Taken from the School Board’s strategic plan. The majority of TSSA funding goes to pay for math aides.10) Before/After school REACH program
Mrs. Taylor presented information about the before and after school program. Before school time is being used to target student’s specific holes in student’s learning. After school is used to help students with their homework. Approximately 70 students are currently enrolled in the program.Other Concerns/Open Forum
No concerns reportedMotion to Adjourn: Jackie Hinnen 2nd : KaDee Rawlinson Voting: All in Favor
Next Meeting: Monday, October 3, 2022, 3:45 PM in the library
Proposed Council Meeting Dates: September 12, October 3, November 7, December 5 (if needed), January 2, February 6, March 6, April 10, May 1