• Birch Creek Elementary School
    Cache County School District

    School-Parent-Student Compact

    At Birch Creek Elementary School, it is our goal to ensure that every child meets grade level standards.  This will require the best efforts of each of us as we work together as a team.  We will provide quality instruction with highly trained educators using research-based programs.  We will provide children the opportunity to learn in a supportive, drug and violence-free environment.  We are also committed to challenging and motivating each child.  Our signatures commit us to completing the assignments on this compact.


    I will . . .

    • Assure that I am highly qualified to teach.
    • Provide quality and challenging curriculum and materials based on the Utah state standards.
    • Monitor student progress regularly, keep parents informed monthly, and provide guidance for homework support.
    • Inform parents of how and when to contact me.
    • Offer special assistance to accommodate individual learning needs.
    • Report RISE (3rd – 6th grades), HMH Growth Measure, Acadience (K- 6th grades), and KEEP (Kinder only) data to parents.
    • Provide materials and training to help parents improve their child’s achievement.


    I will . . .

    • Read to/with my child for at least twenty minutes four times per week.
    • Ensure my child attends school daily and arrives on time.
    • Supervise and support the completion of homework.
    • Encourage language development through conversations that promote vocabulary growth.
    • Attend Parent Teacher Conferences and other school meetings to support my child.
    • Support school rules and policy.


    I will . . .

    • Arrive at school on time daily.
    • Do my best at school
    • Read to/with someone at home for at least twenty minutes four times per week.
    • Follow classroom and school rules.
    • Complete and return my homework.



    For the benefit of the child, the following stakeholders agree to Birch Creek’s School-Parent Compact:



      ____________________________            _____________________________            ____________________________

                Teacher Signature                               Parent Signature                                  Student Signature



    Printable Version: School-Parent-Student Compact