September 19, 2022 Minutes

  • Community Council September 19, 2022

    Main Office Conference Room


    Members in attendance: John Anderson, Ruth Seedhall, Jim Crosbie, Nan Koebbe, Nicole Oksness, Rhonda Wright, Heather Taylor, Rachel Merkley, Julie Olsen, Monica Edelmayer, Kim Bagley, Grant Calverley, Darren Perkes, Christi Carroll, Rory Anderson, Shannon Walker, Matt Fuller.


    Introduction of New Principal, John Anderson Went around the room and introduced everyone.


    Voting of new members of Community Council 2022-2023 Chair: Rhonda Wright

    Vice-Chair:Nicole Oksness Secretary: Heather Taylor


    Went over stats of last year:


    1st Tri 1% down

    2nd tri: 1 1/2% down Pass /fail grades:

    How many students had at least one F:

    Freshman: 111 Students with F's /prior year: 125 Sophomore: 107/ prior year 78

    Junior: 91/prior year 89 Senior: 50/ Prior year 46

    Graduation we gave 1.3 million scholarships awarded.


    Pack Survey

    Kids with an Adult connection Freshman: 83.6%/ 76% prior Sophomore: 83%

    Junior: 89%/ Senior: 86.6%/92%


    Proposed Plan Amendments

    $40,000 carry over from trust land funding. Went over Amendment. passed: Rory Anderson made motion

    Julie Olsen 2nd motion It passed


    School Safety: Jim

    The School is doing drills every month. We do not lock the exterior doors of the school. All class rooms are to lock doors.


    Internet Safety:

    3 fold plan. #11 on the amendment plan proposal: will be planning an assembly, will go over covering digital footprints etc.

    Average time on screen per day is 7 hours and 22 minutes

    Council Training meeting is Oct. 4th 6-6:30 pm zoom link will be sent out.