School Community Council Agenda
October 19, 2021
Present: Mike Monson, Brady Fonnesbeck, Mason Cardon, Connie Rawlins, Bonita Richins, Toni Gibbons, Sara Nelson Hallock, Cheryl Peck, Melanie Chambers, Summer Gunn, Terri Rhodes, Kathy Christiansen, Janae Sorensen, Janine Justis, Kathy Bullen.
We were welcome by Toni. She motioned to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting. Mike seconded the motion. All were in favor of approval.
Mike talked about how part of the School Community Council’s responsibility is to oversee safety, so we wanted to review some of the things that we have in place. Some people at the school may not even be aware what we have available. The Counseling office does a data project every year to assess the needs of students etc. and they will be sharing that information with us. We also have some guests that will be sharing some information with us. Alyna Ohling is from CAPSA- and Janae Sorenson, a social worker, that has been part time at the school and now has been hired full time will talk about how they are a support to the Sky View students.
Janine Justis, one of our school counselors, said that at the beginning of last year, there were a lot of questions, because of COVID about college application week, FAFSA night etc. for seniors. Since we weren’t able to hold those, the counselors created a canvas course for seniors and sent it out to everyone. It had a link to all the colleges in the state and a FAFSA module. The 3 rd module was applying for scholarships. This week is our College Application week and we have had a really good turnout. They have continued the canvas course over the year. They felt that it was a good resource and got some good feedback. They updated the canvas course and sent it out to the seniors this year.
Appreciation was expressed for having the FAFSA night this year. It was asked what the advantage of filling out the FAFSA was? A lot of need-based scholarships, any student loans, Pell Grants, and a lot of universities require having it filled out before applying.
Alyna Ohling (CAPSA) has a background in intervention with teen girls. Her role is making sure students get educated. CAPSA has done a presentation to all the Health classes, teaching dating violence etc. They are trying to make a big push to have everyone realize that they need CAPSA – whether themselves or someone they know could benefit from the services that CAPSA offers. They are working on a way to help parents help teens understand. She showed a video on being an upstander opposed to being a bystander.
Toni asked if we could send it out to parents and students- start being an upstander campaign. Mike asked about the reaction they are getting from students. Alyna said they talk about social norms and bias and try to get them to understand how to help others not in your social group. Mike reported that they are seeing more students using the SafeUT app. A hard thing they have to deal with is breaking away from bad friend groups. The video includes diversity like that.
The CAPSA youth council is working great in school – they have been making announcements every day for the month of October and have placed posters in the hallways. Sky View is the most student led than in other high schools. In the middle school they teach anti-bullying, upstanding and digital safety. They have had more youth reach out more than ever. Mike said he has been impressed by CAPSA over the years and have appreciated what they have given to the students. Melanie Chambers said they can teach consent but not in a sexual content. They teach the right of refusal. It’s a good way to teach skills.
Janae Sorenson is our Project Aware Counselor. She can be more effective staying in one school instead of being split between schools. She is a therapist but can’t do therapy in school, but provide social and emotional support. She focuses on coping and problem-solving skills and gives families resources. She teaches them a return to learn- helps them build awareness to know what their triggers are to not engage in learning. They working on coping strategies, positive peer support and having a trusted adult within the school. They talk about the reasons for living. There are several resources available for help with families. Janae said it has been a very busy year but has seen change that can happens within a relationship with a trusted individual.
Anxiety is a huge issue right now. Since 2012-2019 anxiety has increased 70%. She works on helping kids manage the anxiety and depression.
She gave suggestions of what we can do to help: Communication, talking about feelings, need to model being open to own feelings. Also checking your reaction when they talk to you. Return to Learn isn’t called a safety plan. If someone is struggling with suicide, self-harm, or anxiety, it is a plan to help them to return to learning engagement and helps students stabilize after situations. It also helps students build awareness of triggers.
Mike mentioned that it might be embarrassing to come see Janae, so how do we get kids to be become resilient. Janae said she helps them look to the future. Just because mom is bipolar doesn’t necessarily mean they will. She helps them to see their potential, to hope and dream. It’s best to work in small steps and help them recognize their progress.
Summer asked if she helps figure out accommodations or with the 504’s. Janae said it is not her role, more the counselor role. Summer said as students continue into college with a 504, there is a breakdown. Many don’t access the disability resources. But we can’t have all students with mental health issues on a 504 and many situations are temporary. Our SpEd teachers help teach them how to be successful when they leave.
Someone asked if Janae is visible to students? She responded that she isn’t, but is with intention. There is no way she can meet with every student with mental health issues. She needs to focus on students with suicidal ideations. The counselors work with the students as well and then they can refer to Janae. Her goal is to help them on a short-term basis and then refer to other resources for help.
Toni asked how can we possibly get the information to parents that we have Janae. How do we explain that we have such great resources? Mike said the best way to start is for students to see their counselor and hope that council members will pass the information along to others. The District does Mental Health screening with Bear River Mental Health.
Terri Rhodes expressed appreciation to all those at the school that are available to help students, and the way we are set up. Mike said there are no statistics that will ever show how many things we may have prevented through these resources.
Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be Tuesday, November 16th, 6:45am