School Community Council Minutes
September 13, 2022
Present: Shane Jones, Brady Fonnesbeck, Amanie Crosbie, Janine Justis, Kathy Bullen, Connie Rawlins, Ryan Grunig, Ruth Mudrow, Toni Gibbons, Jessica Higginbotham, Sheri Egbert, John Louviere, Summer Gunn, Heather Moller, Teri Rhodes
We were welcomed by Toni and the time turned over to the Administration. Shane needed to excuse himself to attend a meeting at the District Office. Brady then opened up nominations for Chairman. (Paul Schwartz isn’t going to be on the committee) John Louviere was nominated and he accepted to be the Chairman. All were in favor. Ryan Grunig was then nominated for Vice-Chair, he accepted and all were in favor. Kathy Bullen will remain the Secretary.
Brady told the committee about the video announcements that we have started doing instead of over the intercom on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Brady asked if anyone has heard any feedback from kids? He explained that we are using the leadership students and the Exec students. We still need to work out Media Releases for students to be able to email or post the videos on the Website.
Brady followed up on the discussion from the last meeting about the Dress Code. He said that the 4 high school Principals met about the Dress Code. They are still working on it. They are all not in agreement. They are still working on changes to take to the board. As far as how that affects Sky View- we aren’t going to be trailblazers – we will enforce dress code as it is. We will let teachers enforce the hat policy and we won’t be doing that in the halls. Toni said SV was definitely not the worst school that they have seen as far as students dress not being appropriate.
Shane will be addressing the dress code and other expectations on the on the video announcements. The Dress Code is supposed to be followed at dances and other school activities. Terri asked Amanie her view on the dress code. Amanie agreed with Brady – students need to dress for the activity, sometimes it is a reflection on behavior. Some time in your life everyone will have to comply. Terri asked what we feel needs to be changed. Amanie said we are competing with trends but there needs to be a standard. It is hard to find long shorts, hard to find clothes that meet the Dress Code. Brady said the issue is when it begins to become distracting to learning. But we want students here instead of not coming. Once we have a clear vision, it needs to be enforced throughout the school.
Janine Justis reported on the Counseling Departments Data Project for this year. Every 6 years they have a formal review for State Comprehensive Guidance Program. They have to create a data project and then share with administration, a steering committee and the school board. What made them decide to do this project is because students come in and ask what is the easiest class – it seems that the trend is less academic rigor. They looked at every 10th and 11th student with a 3.0 higher because the majority of students in concurrent classes are 10th and 11th students. Last year there were 2123 requests for Concurrent or AP classes. During the PCCRs, the Counselors tried to encourage students to take concurrent or AP classes. The next year, there were 2141 requests- and became a 4.4 average and the number of minority students requesting jumped. We have also implemented an Honors Diploma which could have had some influence. On reflection – they discovered that 70% of those taking more rigorous courses have a 3.0 gpa or higher, but only 32% of minority students. Summer asked if they have looked into contextual reasons for why the minority students haven’t taken these classes. Could be because of technology, transportation, certain classes they are failing. And we need to look at ELL student’s vs non-ELL students. The Counseling department is looking at taking younger students to USU.
Toni said that the Concurrent Enrollment Dept. at USU was awarded a $5000 Data mining grant for SV to help with minority students. Some schools have used the same to pay a teacher to mentor concurrent students for an hour. She also said that the Department has paid for a virtual tutoring or free tutoring on campus for Math 1050 and Chemistry 1010 students. Sheri asked if the RCK Academy classes are working out well? Joylynn has spent hours working out a curriculum. The Mentors teach once a week. Brady said he was surprised how eager they are to teach. All classes are 3rd period. This is the most applicable class to the rest of their lives that is taught here and seems to be working well.
We reviewed the goals for the Trustland Plan for the year. Shane would like to change a few items and will hopefully be presenting those changes to the Board on October 6th. The plan can be amended.
There is a Community Council Training on October 4th – 6:00-6:30 through Zoom. We will send out link.
Adjourned until next meeting, Tuesday, October 18th, 6:45am