SCC Minutes January 2022

  • January 20, 2022


    In Attendance

    Richele Gundmunson

    Mrs. Mckell

    Daneal Schmidt

    Ashley Martin

    Christy Storrs


    Review past minutes 


    Last month Minutes approved by Christy, Second by Mrs McKell


    $22,500 money previously set aside for teacher salary has been reassigned and presented to the board. We are awaiting the board’s approval. 

    Aide money has been spent and there is enough to pay for aides. 

    Library money has been used and the library is awaiting more books.

    Technology money will partially be used to replace classroom projectors. 

    TSSA counselor salary is overdrawn, the plan is to move money from another area to cover the $368 overage.

    Three more document cameras are ordered, 5 new projectors will be ordered, two touch screen laptops for the literacy coordinator. 


    CCSD library policy has changed. Each school needs a dedicated committee to decide if any books are inappropriate and need to be removed from the library. The SCC committee will also be the Library Media Advisory Committee.


    School safety, we do have a positive behavior intervention plan. Expectations are to be Safe, Kind, and Responsible. Each area of the building has slightly different expectations. A video and posters were made. Posters are throughout the school. Video was sent out and shown to classes. 

    School is pushing for parents to drop students off in the back of the school. The push is due to a near accident in front of the school. 


    White Ribbon week will be the week of February 14-18.


    Final reporting is now open for Mrs. McKell. Data has been finalized by the state and is now available to schools. Mrs. McKell shows the presentation with data related to school wide goals in math, reading, and specific ELL and SWD students. This will be shown to teachers in coming weeks. 

    Mid year goal data for this school is also shown. Goals are showing improvement from last year.

    Powerschool and how parents can view grades was discussed. It is something parents can do, but not may do. Teachers have been asked to send home monthly communication regarding grades, missed assignments, and other notable classroom items. 


    Next meeting will be February 16th.



     Motioned to Adjourn

    Audrey  moved to adjourn



    Richele seconds to adjourn


    Printable Minutes