SCC Minutes November 2021
November 17, 2021
In Attendance
Richele Gundmunson
Mrs. Mckell
Tina Allen
Ashley Martin
Christy Storrs
Larry Jeppsen
Review past minutes
Last month Minutes approved by Christy, Second by Mrs McKell
We reviewed the trust land budget. Total allotment Teacher allotment will be amended (ESL)
Reviewed Trustlands Plan and TSSA current budget
All money has been divided into appropriate categories.
Will amend teacher salary from ESL
Another Parapro has been added and budget money has been spent
Library money has been spent.
Technology items have been ordered but money isn’t taken out until items arrive
SRI licenses have been bought
New full time ESL aide has been gifted from district and has been hired
October 25th online member training, Mrs. McKell attended.
How can we get more diverse community members into the SCC?
Digital citizenship and where can we discuss it in our school? Mrs. Allen covers during library time. She explained details of her curriculum she covers for the students. She uses “Common Sense Education”. Teaching begins in January and lasts for 4-6 weeks depending on the grade. Lessons include online slides, videos, worksheets, and take-home resources.
The school does a White Ribbon Week around the same time, it covers online safety and material similar to Mrs. Allen’s lessons.
The school filter is GoGaurdian. Mrs. McKell or teachers can see what searches are made by each student.
Each month the school practices a different emergency drill and has a different focus. This month was LockDown. There is a school emergency and safety plan outlined specific to Lincoln. Including phone numbers and a “tree” that shows the order of contact/command. The evacuation location is Hyrum City Office and other places are outlined for different emergencies. There are reunification plans in place if there is an emergency that requires evacuation and students to be picked up at an alternate location.
Questions were asked and answered about teacher training, how do the doors lock, and what situations require what kind of responses.
Questions were asked and answered about how COVID quarantine days are counted, how quickly the school gets notified, and what happens related to classroom exposures.
Larry encourages us to report positive stories and experiences to the legislature about how the money sent to schools has been spent and made an impact for students.
Is there money set aside for reading help? Yes, TSSA and TrustLands are money that can be plugged in for academic needs.
Proposed a December “vacation” from SCC and instead we will meet on January 20th. Accepted
Motioned to Adjourn
Ashley moved to adjourn
Christy seconds to adjourn