What is the School Community Council?

  • The School Community Council is a guiding group which consists of parents and school staff.  As a School Community Council we discuss issues such as, Safe Schools plan, Digital Citizenship, Land Trust Plan, School Improvement Plan. Input from parents and community is vital when making informed decisions.  For additional information, you can visit http://www.schoollandtrust.org/parents-and-councils/

    We would like to have representation from each of the communities with students attending Lewiston—Lewiston, Cove, Cornish, Trenton, and Clarkston—if possible.  The Lewiston SCC meets typically once a month during the school year beginning in September or October. Currently we hold these meetings on the First or Second Tuesday of each month after school at 4:00pm.  We need your voice and ideas to help make our school even better.  All parents are invited to attend the School Community Council open meetings; however, only elected members may vote on decisions being made.

    Utah State law requires all schools hold an election every year to replace outgoing members on the School Community Council.  A member on the council serves a two-year term and may serve more consecutive terms if they are elected.  

    If you are interested in being considered for one of these open positions, elections will be held in the Spring of each year for the following school year.  For more information or to indicate your interest in serving as a council member, please email Principal Troy Pugmire at troy.pugmire@ccsdut.org.





  • Lewiston Elementary 2023-2024

    School Community Council


    Input from parents and community is vital when making informed decisions. If you have an idea,

    question,or concern, please feel free to reach out to a council member or the Principal.

Updated 11/06/2023