Welcome Back to School

School Office Hours

  • Sky View Main Office Hours
    Mon-Fri  7:30am to 3:30pm

    Counseling Office

Dates to Remember


    August 10th-11th -  New student registration (new to district) 

    August 14th-18th -  - Schedule Changes 9:00-1:00 (May also pay fees and get lockers if desired)

    August 23rd - Bobcat Academy (Orientation and Pictures for all Freshmen and new students)

    August 24th - First Day of School for all students

    September 7th - School pictures (All day)

Registration Information

  • Students new to District and to Sky View (excluding Freshmen) click here for enrollment information. 


    There will be no official Registration days required for the 23-24 school year.

    All students will just need to complete the following BEFORE school starts.

    1. Pay School Fees by one of the following ways:
      1. Pay online at https://ccsdut.schoolcashonline.com/
      2. Mail a check to the school
      3. Pay in person by cash, check or credit card to the Finance Office on one of the following days: August 14th-18th from 9:00am-1:00pm

    *All students need to fill out the Fee Payment form (whether paying online or in person) and return to Finance office at your convenience.

    Fee Payment Form  

    1. Obtain Class Schedule from Powerschool

    Student schedules will be available through Powerschool on Friday, August 11th.  Please check your class schedule carefully and if you have any problems contact your counselor.  The counselors are assigned by last name as follows:

    A-D                         Lyndy Agee

    E-J                          Tom Olsen

    K-P                         Blake Tubbs

    Q-Z                         Janine Justis

    Counselors will be available for Schedule Changes on the following days during the times listed.

    Mon., Aug 14th     9:00am-1:00pm Seniors

    Tues., Aug 15th      9:00am-1:00pm Juniors

    Wed., Aug 16th     9:00am-1:00pm Sophomores

    Thurs., Aug 17th 9:00am-1:00pm Freshmen

    Thurs., Aug 17th  3:00pm-7:00pm Any student

    Friday, Aug 18th 9:00am-1:00pm Any student

    Please be aware that counselors will prioritize meeting with students that have incomplete schedules during this time. To avoid the frustration of long lines, incomplete schedule changes as well as other elective changes may be requested using  the Class Change Request Form. These forms will be available on a table outside of the Counseling Office. Request forms will be processed as soon as possible and students may check within a day or two at the school or on PowerSchool to see if those changes have been made. Student schedules may be changed free of charge during the week of August 14th-18th. A $20 late fee will be charged for schedule changes beginning the first day of class. (Excluding incomplete schedules).

  • Dear Students and Parents, 


    I hope you have had a fun and eventful summer break. I hope you have visited some new places and tried some new things this summer. And I hope in a couple of weeks you are ready for a new school year.  We will have a few new faces, a new look to some classrooms and a new logo to share with you. 


    I know the high school experience can be different for each student, but I want your experience to be a good one. I want to remind you that we are committed at Sky View to helping you become the best version of yourself before you walk across that stage and receive your diploma. We have high expectations for all students and staff. We believe in our mission statement; RCK, Relationships, Character and Knowledge for Life. It drives what we do here at Sky View. We understand the power and importance of relationships with friends, with friends, peers and most importantly adults in shaping lives and creating a better experience. The best version of ourselves includes a well developed character that represents ourselves, our school and our community in the best way possible. And when it comes to knowledge, I hope you have a world class experience with teachers that will motivate you to learn more than you thought you were capable of learning. I am committed to your success here at Sky View and want everyone to know my door is always open if you need anything, so please come and say hello or if you are new to Sky View come and introduce yourself, I would like to meet you. 


    Finally, I would like to invite all Sky View students, families and alumni to attend our “Bold and Blue” celebration on Monday August 7th, starting at 6:30.  Come and get some food, enjoy some fun and games and get your new Sky View swag. I also want to remind all of our incoming freshmen and new students about our Bobcat Academy Day on Wednesday August 23rd. It is one of my favorite days and really starts the year off right.  I am looking forward to another great year with you and remember it’s always a great day to be a Bobcat!


    Shane Jones

    Principal, Sky View High School

    PS: Parking Passes


    I know there have been several students inquiring about when parking passes go on sale this year.  This year we will not be selling parking passes. The north and south parking lots will be open for all students.  We hope that more spaces being available to more students will help alleviate some problems we have had over the last couple of years in the student reserved parking lot.