•     College and Career Center 

    We at Cache High "Respect students individually, challenge them academically and prepare students for life."

    Counselor: Launi Evans


    Career Center Coordinator: Hannah Hartzell


    If you have questions about college/ universities, jobs, ACT testing, scholarships, or have any other questions or concerns, contact Launi or Hannah for help!

    What do you want to be when you grow up?


    • YouScience helps students discover and understand their natural abilities and find career paths that will best use those talents.
      • Every year, students will get the opportunity to participate in YouScience's aptitude-based assessments, personalized career guidance, and industry-recognized certifications. 
      • YouScience aptitude assessment helps students identify where they have a natural talent, and matches these talents with in-demand careers and educational pathways. 
    • Careers, jobs opportunities, degrees, college and university information can also be explored at www.careers.org

     Local options for additional education

    Students who are interested in enrolling in classes at BTECH while attending Cache High, please talk with Launi.       

    • Bridgerland Technical College is a public community college in Logan, Utah. Technical education encompasses a variety of programs designed to equip students with career and life skills.
    • The technical educators at BTECH work closely with employers to ensure students have the skills the labor market demands.
    • For more information, visit https://btech.edu/


    • USU is committed to students' global learning and environment, by enhancing the academic, personal, ethical, social and cultural experiences of students.
    • The Access Center at USU works specifically with alternate school graduates, promoting access and full involvement in all aspects of student life at USU.
    • Located in the Taggart Student Center, the Student Services Division and the Educational Outreach program is easily accessed at www.usu.edu/studentservices/departments

     Financial Aid 

    Resources to help pay for education costs:

    Testing for admission into College

    Utah State University ACT On-Campus 
    • The ACT On-Campus is exactly like the National ACT except that scores are valid only at the college or university where the test is actually taken. On-Campus ACTs taken at USU provide scores valid for USU purposes only. A student cannot take the On-Campus ACT at USU and use scores for other schools. On-Campus ACT scores are not valid for NCAA Clearinghouse purposes. 
    • Find available dates and register at https://www2.registerblast.com/usu/Exam/List
    • The cost is $75.00
    The National ACT
    • The ACT is required by many colleges and universities for admissions. Juniors are required to take the ACT during the State ACT administration days, which is free for all Junior students.
    • To learn more about the ACT visit, https://www.act.org/