Bully Prevention

  • Cache County School District


    September 11, 2012
    1. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS: Must support bully prevention through words and actions. Elementary: Being daily in the lunchroom, out at lunch recess, and around the school. Secondary: Being daily in the halls during class breaks, during lunch, and around the school.
    2. RULES CLARITY: Bully prevention rules must be clear and concise.
    •  School bullying policy poster, easy to read and recognize. Bullying clearly defined on the poster.
    •  Smaller size poster for every classroom
    •  Larger size posters throughout the school preferably framed; mounted to wall.
    3. RULES ENFORCED: Must be enforced—an unenforced rule is worse than no rule at all.
    4. SURVEY YOUR STUDENTS: This important anonymous survey tells you if your students are being bullied; if so, to what extent; where the bullying takes place; and provides a benchmark for how your prevention program is progressing throughout the year.
    5. A PLEDGE: Have students sign a bully-prevention promise to be proactive in stopping bullying, similar to the one found in the book, The Juice Box Bully* (a fictionalized account of research-based, national best practices in bully prevention), by Somson and Dismond.
    6. BYSTANDERS: Encourage “bystanders” to take an active role to prevent bullying: strongly supported nationwide by every bully prevention organization I’ve seen, including the U. S. Department of Education, Department of Justice, and the Secret Service. A recent Time Magazine article (The Myths of Bullying, March 12, 2012, p. 41) also supports the bystander training approach.
    8. SCHOOL-WIDE EVENTS: School-wide events such as assemblies to inform students about the bully prevention policy have been shown to be effective in getting students to support the policy.
    9. CLASSROOM FOCUS ON BULLY PREVENTION: Spend some time in class each week or every other week to discuss aspects of bully prevention (including cyber bullying) and bystander support. Schoolwide announcements are excellent for focusing students on bully prevention. A CCSD Bully Prevention Online Resource Center is now available for parents, students, and educators on the CCSD home page under Quick Links.
    10. SUSTAINABLILTY: Develop a plan that will sustain your Bully Prevention Plan long into the future. Make it part of the school culture. Example: Summit’s “Bug Jug” and positive reinforcement.
    *The Promise (from The Juice Box Bully)
    1. I WILL speak up instead of being a bystander.
    2. I CHOOSE to participate in activities that don’t involve teasing.
    3. I FORGIVE others if they make poor choices.
    4. I MODEL good behavior.
    5. I ACCEPT others for their differences.
    6. I INCLUDE others in group situations.
    7. I WILL talk to an adult when there is a problem I cannot take care of on my own.
    8. I AM powerful in making a difference in my school.
    Jack Robinson
    Student Mental Health Services
    For more information on Bullying: