Bell Schedule


    Bell Schedule

    Lewiston Elementary Daily Schedule


    Kindergarten thru 6th Grade ~ Monday thru Thursday

    9:05 – School Begins

    3:35 – School Ends


    9:05 - School Begins

    2:20 - School Ends


    1/2 Preschool Schedule


    (M-F) 9:05 – 12:10


    (M-Th) 12:25 – 3:35 

    (No Preschool on Friday)


    Students who walk or ride their bikes are not to report to school before 8:45 AM.  Teachers do not begin supervision duty until 8:45.  Students who arrive early are unsupervised, which is an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation for children.  Our situation after school is very similar.  Students who do not ride the bus are expected to leave the school campus by the time our buses depart, approximately 3:45.  Please make sure that your children understand what they have to do after school to get themselves home safely.