Drug Testing policy




    Based upon input by administrators, coaches, community councils, and others involved in student activity programs, the District finds that an educational drug awareness course and drug testing program for all students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) who participate in extracurricular activities is advisable for the following reasons:


    1. Health and safety of the individual and others. Any student participating in an activity under the influence of an illegal drug or alcohol creates a risk of death or serious bodily injury, not only to the student, but to other participants and spectators.


    1. Prevention. Many students will be able to say no to drugs because they will have an additional reason (i.e., participation in student activity programs) to avoid the use of drugs.


    1. Intervention. Individuals desiring to participate in activities will seek professional, parental, or clerical assistance for their drug or alcohol problems.



    Alcohol:                      Any alcoholic liquor as defined under Utah Code 34-38-2.


    Non Punitive:             Test results will not be disclosed to law enforcement or juvenile authorities absent a valid and binding

                                        subpoena or other legal process issed by a court of competent jurisdiction.

    Drug:                           Any controlled substance as defined in Utah Code 34-38-2, except those possessed and/or used pursuant to  

                                        a valid perscription.

    UHSAA:                      The Utah High School Activities Association.


    Sample:                      “Sample” means urine, blood, breath, saliva, or hair.


    Extracurricular:            All activities sponsored by the UHSAA.


    Student Participant:     Any student participating in extracurricular activities recognized by UHSAA and sponsored by the Cache 

                                           school district.

    Activity Season:           The period beginning on the first day of practice allowed by the UHSAA for any sport in which a student

                                            athlete participates and ending the last day of competition for the sport season.


    Participation Dates:      Participation in non-sport activities will be defined by the UHSAA and school activity calendar.


    Random Test:                All participating student are subject to a weekly random drawing for drug testing.




     April 19, 2007 Cache School District implements a mandatory drug testing program for students who participate in *UHSAA extracurricular activities (as listed by the UHSAA) and other  **non-club activities in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).



    Before any student participates in any UHSAA extracurricular program, the student and the student’s custodial parent or lawful guardian shall execute and deliver to their local high school a written consent in the form attached hereto as exhibit A.  Any student who refuses or fails to provide a duly executed consent or who refuses or fails to comply with the provisions of this policy shall not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular program sponsored by the District until the student/parent fully complies.  Any student who willfully provides a false sample, or who otherwise tampers with a sample or undertakes any effort to obstruct, evaluate or impair the accuracy of a drug test, shall be suspended from participation in extracurricular activities according to policy (refer to page 4).



    Prior to a student’s participation in any UHSAA activity, he/she is required to attend a one time mandatory 1-2 hour educational drug awareness course taught by the Bear River Health Department. The local schools will coordinate dates and times with Bear River Health Department for this instructional class.  Student attendance is documented by the local school.  Students are ineligible to participate in UHSAA activities until this course has been completed. 



    At the option of the District, random testing will be conducted during the season on a weekly basis or any other frequency determined by the District.  Selection for random testing will be by lottery drawing from a “pool” consisting of all students participating in extracurricular programs sponsored by the District at the time of the drawing.  Separate pools may be established on a team-by-team basis.  The Superintendent or designee shall take all reasonable steps to assure the integrity, confidentiality and random nature of the selection process including, but not necessarily limited to: assuring that the names of all participating students are in the pool; assuring that the person drawing names has no way of knowingly choosing, or failing to choose particular students for the testing; assuring that the identity of students drawn for testing is not known by the person making the selection or by persons involved in the analysis of the sample, and assuring direct observation of the selection process by at least two (2) adults.



    Prior to the start of competition for a particular activity, all students who wish to participate in such activity shall submit a signed consent form attached hereto as Exhibit A.  From the date of the first competition until the date of the final competition for each activity, up to 10% of the total number of participants on the team/group may be tested each week.


    To assure the anonymity of the participants tested, each participant will be assigned a number at the beginning of testing.  These numbers and the identity of the student to whom such number is assigned will be known only to the participant and the Superintendent or designee.  The Superintendent or designee will keep the number lists in a secure place accessible only to authorized personnel.


    After all student numbers are drawn for a particular week, they will immediately be returned to the pool of numbers for that activity in order to assure randomness of draw.  It is possible that a student number may be drawn several times during the season, or not drawn at all.



    Cache School District will contract professional service from a local agency to conduct the testing process and to provide testing results to the designated school official.  Testing procedures will be provided by the testing agency (no direct observation).  On the day of testing, those students selected will be notified and must immediately report to the designated place to produce a urine sample.  Samples will be collected at an appropriate school site, in a controlled environment, at a mutually convenient time for the school officials and local agency, and on the same day the student is scheduled for testing.  If the student is absent on that day, on the day of the student’s return to school, the testing will take place.  If a student is unable to produce the urine sample, they will remain under supervision until a sample can be provided.



    Students who are taking prescription medication must provide a copy of the prescription or a doctor’s verification to testing personnel at the time a urine sample is collected or within forty-eight (48) hours after the urine sample is taken.  If test results are still unclear due to the possibility of prescription drugs; the test, along with copies of the prescription, will be sent to a lab for further analysis.  Students who refuse or fail to provide timely verification of prescriptive drug use and who test positive will be subject to the actions specified below for “positive tests” irrespective of their use of prescriptive medications.









                Opiates (oxycotin)     

                Marijuana (level 20,50, and 100)



                Creatinine level                      


    Urinalysis test uses a panel-integrated cup with adulteration strip.                          



    The testing agency will be authorized to report results only to the Superintendent or such other adult persons as the Superintendent may designate.  Test results shall be destroyed no later than the individual’s graduation.



    A student may contest the results of a random test.  If a student or parent contests the test results, a second test can be administered as soon as a second sample is produced.  Students will remain under the supervision of the test administrator until the second sample is produced.



    First Offense: Suspension from two consecutive games, meets, matches, competitions of performances at the same level of play (UHSAA guidelines).


    A student shall be reinstated after he/she has successfully completed a personal assessment completed by and documentation by a licensed substance abuse intervention or treatment agency (i.e. Bear River Health Department) and provides a negative sample.  This assessment and testing will be paid for by the student or parent.  A list of available assessment providers will be furnished upon request by the school counselor.  If the student chooses not to complete the assessment, he/she will not be allowed to participate for the remainder of that activity season.


    Second Offense: If a second offense should occur during any activity season, the student will be suspended for six weeks from games, matches, competitions or performances*.  In order to participate in another activity season during that school year, the student must participate in an assessment by a licensed substance abuse intervention or treatment program where a prescribed follow-up is required.  Participation may continue only after the assessment has been completed, positive participation in the prescribed follow-up is occurring, and a negative sample (paid by student or parent) has been produced.


    Third Offense: If a third offense should occur during any activity season, the student will be suspended for eighteen weeks from games, matches, competitions or performances*. In order to participate in another activity, the student must participate in an assessment by a licensed substance abuse intervention or treatment program where a prescribed follow-up is required.  Participation may continue only after the assessment has been completed, positive participation in the prescribed follow-up is occurring, and a negative sample (paid by student or parent) has been produced.


    * = Imposed consequences follow the guidelines of the USHAA handbook.



    No student shall be penalized academically for testing positive for use of illegal drugs or alcohol, nor shall any student be denied the right to participate in or otherwise be denied any benefits, services, or programs of the District, other than participation in the UHSAA activity programs as outlined above.  The results of drug tests pursuant to this policy will not be documented in any student’s academic records.  Information regarding the results of drug tests shall be kept confidential between the Superintendent, the building principal or designees, the student’s parent or legal guardian, and the student.  In particular, test results will not be disclosed to law enforcement or juvenile authorities absent a valid and binding subpoena or other legal process issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.  In the event of service of any such subpoena or legal process, the student’s custodial parent or legal guardian will be notified in writing as soon as reasonably possible, but in no event less than seventy-two (72) hours before a response is made by the District unless a response is due within a shorter time frame.  Notification shall be made in writing and shall be deemed complete upon the deposit thereof in the U. S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the last known address of the student or his or her parent or legal guardian or upon personal service upon the student participant’s parent or legal guardian.  Verbal notification may be given, if time does not permit written notification within the seventy-two (72) hour time period.



    Cache School District is committed to helping students who are encountering drug or alcohol problems.  The District recognizes that a student with drug dependency or use problem is not able to work to his or her fullest potential.  To assist in the ultimate goal of drug-free schools and drug-free students, the District will provide voluntary drug testing to any student whose parents request the testing be done.  The procedure for sampling and testing shall be conducted under substantially the same sampling procedure as set forth above (volunteer students will be part of the random pool).  Results will be provided to the student’s parent/legal guardian.  Voluntary testing is at the parent/legal guardian’s expense.  The test results will be kept absolutely confidential, except for the parent/legal guardian, student, and test laboratory personnel.  No legal or criminal actions will be taken by the District based upon such test results.  No record will be kept of such voluntary test results.  This service is offered solely for the information of the parent(s) and is ultimately their decision what to do with the information. 


    *UHSAA Sports and Activities (as published by the UHSAA):



    Basketball (boys and girls)     

    Cross Country (boys and girls)                                  

    Drill (girls)


    Golf (boys and girls)

    Soccer (boys and girls)

    Softball (girls)

    Swimming (boys and girls)

    Tennis (boys and girls)

    Track and Field (boys and girls)

    Volleyball (girls)








    **Other non-club activities:


    Elected class officers, exec council, Boys and Girls Association (BAGA), and Representatives

    Marching Band



    ADOPTED: June 21, 2007

    Modified: June 17, 2008

    Modified: March 20, 2014 (page 2, Educational Drug Awareness Course)

    Modified: June 17, 2014 (page 2- Procedure For Random Drawing, page 5- Voluntary Testing Program).

    Modified: September 2016 (page 2 – Effective Date, page 5 – UHSAA Sports and Activities and Other non-club activities.





                                                       DRUG TESTING CONSENT FORM


                                                                 Cache School District

                                                                 2063 North 1200 East

                                                              North Logan, Utah 84341


    We authorize our student to participate in Cache School District’s random (unobserved) drug testing program to identify possible illegal drug and/or alcohol use (collection of samples will be in a controlled and supervised location).  Positive results may be reviewed by a licensed Medical Review Officer. We also unconditionally authorize the release of information concerning the results of such a test to the Cache School District and understand that this is a non-punitive policy.  As well, we authorize our student’s attendance to the Educational Drug Awareness Course.


    This completed form shall be deemed consent, for the purposes of the Family Education Right to Privacy Act.


    ­­____________________________________            ___________________________

    Extracurricular Activity (i.e. football, volunteer)       Date of Activity (i.e. Fall of 20___)





    Print Student Name



    Student Signature                                                                                                                               Date




    Print Parent/Guardian Name



    Parent/Guardian Signature                                                                                                      Date




    This form is to be signed and returned prior to participating in any UHSSA extracurricular




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