• Summit Elementary Behavior Policy

    To maintain a safe and positive learning environment for all students, it requires a partnership between students, parent(s), teachers and staff. The following behavior action plan will be implemented at Summit Elementary to achieve this goal: 


    1. I will HELP others with no strings attached.
    2. I will be EXCEPTIONAL and be my best self.
    3. I will be RESPONSIBLE for my choices, actions, and results.
    4. I will be OPTIMISTIC in my thoughts, attitude, and words.

    Behavior Protocol 

    • School and classroom rules will be taught and students will be held accountable for their choices.
    • Every effort will be made to maintain the dignity and self-respect of both the student, teacher and/or staff member. Sarcasm and/or humiliation will never be used as a form of discipline.
    • Confidentiality will be protected. 
    • Students will be given the opportunity to make decisions and be expected to abide by the consequences of those decisions. 
    • Students will be expected to problem-solve as an opportunity for personal growth and individual improvement with guidance from teachers, staff, and administration.
    • Whenever possible, misbehavior will be handled with natural, logical, and supportive consequences that will help the student make positive change. 
    • Students will be given an opportunity to share their side of the story.
    • Misbehavior at school will be addressed as quickly as possible. Parent(s) may be contacted.

    The following will be considered when determining which category of consequences will be implemented.

    •  The precipitating events
    • The child’s intentions
    • The personality, age, and temperament of the child
    • Specific facts of what happened
    • The frequency of misbehavior
    • The damage or hurt caused by the misbehavior or rule violation


    Action Plan

    Category 1 Behaviors:

    For example: shout-outs, not following directions, being disruptive, not completing work, out of seat, teasing, continuous disruptive or disrespectful behavior, non-compliance

    • Students will receive verbal warnings and reminders prior to 1st Offense

    1st Offense

    2nd Offense

    3rd Offense


    • Student will go out in hall and wait to conference with teacher


    • Student will go out in the hall to conference with specialist 


    • Student will sit on the bench to conference with recess aide


    • Student will go to a buddy classroom to complete an Accountability Form*


    • Student will go to designated area to complete an Accountability Form* before going back to classroom teacher 


    • Student will sit on the bench for the remainder of recess and complete an Accountability Form*


    • Student will wait for the principal to accompany them to the office and parents will be notified 


    • Student will wait for the principal to accompany them to the office and parents will be notified


    • Student will wait for the principal to accompany them to the office and parents will be notified

    *All Accountability Forms need to be signed by parents and returned the following school day


    Category 2 Behaviors:

    For example: defiance, bullying 

    • Student conference with administrator
    • Accountability Form completed, signed, and returned the following school day
    • Parent(s) will receive a phone call from either the classroom teacher or administration
    • Restricted access to related events* up to 30 minutes
    • Possible request of parent(s)’ participation in the classroom

    Category 3 Behaviors: 

    For example: Repeated bullying, physical aggression, causing harm, threats, property damage

    • Immediate student conference with administrator
    • Accountability Form completed, signed, and returned the following school day
    • Student/Parent/Teacher/Administrator Conference
    • Possible request of parent(s)’ participation in the classroom
    • Additional consequences determined by teacher, student, administrator and parent(s). Could include, but not limited to restricted access to related events* up to 60 minutes, service project, or in-school suspension.

    *Related events could include, but are not limited to: recess, prep, classroom activities, school activities, etc. These restrictions will not be implemented without being related to the event/environment in which the misbehavior occurred.


    This plan is designed to help students recognize and address repeated misbehavior. If, at any time, misbehavior includes injuries, threats, bullying*, or property damage, a conference with the student, parent, teacher, and administrator will be scheduled.


    *Bullying is defined as mean, hurtful behavior that occurs repeatedly in a relationship with an imbalance of power or strength. It takes many forms — verbal, physical, relational, and cyberbullying.

     ____________________________                     _____________________________          _____________________________

             Teacher Signature       Parent Signature       Student Signature