REACH OST Program banner

REACH Contact Information

  • For before or after school hours, call 435-792-9266

  • Cache REACH-OST Program
    Engage* Support * Inspire


    Welcome back to a new school year!  This year all elementary schools in Cache County School District will be offering extra school support for all interested students and their families.  Each school will be providing an after-school program where students can come for daily homework support.  Each school’s Homework Support Program will be held Monday-Thursday from 3:35-4:30 and is open to any student wanting to participate. There is no cost to participate in this program.  Each student who would like to participate will need to fill out a registration form which is available at your school’s front office.


    Each school’s Homework Support Program will focus on helping students with what they are currently learning in class.  Usually this refers to math homework support but may also include any other work that the classroom teacher has asked students to complete.  If needed, teachers will reteach lessons from earlier in the day or pre-teach difficult lessons for the following day.  All students will start with an afterschool snack before heading to their homework support classroom.  There will be an after-school bus at each school for those needing a ride home from the after-school program.  Please see your school for their bus route and schedule.  As a school district we are excited to be able to offer our community this valuable support program!


    The Cedar Ridge REACH OST After-School program will begin Monday Sept. 13. In order for your child to start on the 13th, you will need to turn in your registration form by Friday Sept. 10.


    *** To register for the REACH-OST after-school program at Cedar Ridge you may pick up a form in the main office or print a form from the links on the left side of this page.



    What does REACH-OST stand for?

    REACH-OST is Cache County School District’s Before, After and Summer School Program

    Relationships - A safe place for students to belong, connect and be supported.

    Education - Create positive learning opportunities through academic support and individual assignment modification.

    Accountability - A support network with staff committed to help students succeed that nurtures student accountability with parent support.

    Character - Skill building activities that encourage positive academic and personal growth.

    Hard Work - Students that rise to the level of expectations.

    OST – Out of School Time: The REACH support programs are offered outside the regular school hours including before and after-school as well during the summer.