2023 Federal Report Card
Each LEA that receives Title I, Part A funding is responsible for disseminating the State, LEA and campus-level report cards to all LEA campuses and parents of all enrolled students and making the information widely available through public means such as posting on the Internet, distribution to the media, or distribution through public agencies.
At a minimum, the LEA must—
- post direct links to the State, LEA, and campus report cards on its web site,
- make hard copies available to parents on request,
- make hard copies available for viewing in public locations, and
- notify parents of ALL students about the availability of the report cards and the options for obtaining them.
LEAs must make the federal report card information readily accessible to the public and parents must be notified of the availability of the federal report card information. For the 2022-2023 Federal Report Card click here.
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Resources
2023-2024 Title I, Part A Campus Contacts
Each Title I, Part A campus is required to assign a Title I Campus Contact. The primary purpose of this role is to coordinate the campus Title I, Part A program. Responsibilities of the Title I Campus Contact(s) include:
- Coordinating parent and family engagement activities for the campus including the Annual Title I Meeting and required parent meetings; and
Communicating information to campus personnel about the requirements of the Title I, Part A program in a timely and consistent manner.
Please click here to access Title I, Part A Campus Contact information.
Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement
2023-2024 Title I, Parent Training Series
Lamar CISD will provide the following trainings to parents to assist them with navigating the school system.
Parent University Series
Adult ESL Class
Parent University Sessions Menu
Computer Classes
Cooking Matters Classes
Family Wellness Classes
Parent and Family Engagement School/Home Connection Learning Series
School Home Connection Sessions Menu
Helping Your Child Succeed in School Series
Sept. 19th Nurturing My Preschool Child Webinar
Sept. 20th Enriching My Elementary Child Webinar
Sept. 26th Supporting My Secondary Student Webinar
Helping My Child With Math Series
Oct. 17th Helping My Child with Math Webinar
Oct. 24th Let's Have a Math Carnival- Hands on Math Workshop - Phelan Elementary
Feb. 20, 2024 Emotional Skills Development Webinar
March 5, 2024, Improve Test Taking Skills with Study and Homework Tips Webinar