

Advanced Studies PAP/Pre-AP/AP Course Information

There are multiple course levels and Advanced Studies opportunities for LCISD students (if would like additional information on campus courses please reach out to the counselor or for high schools the Dual Credit Counselor, AP Coordinator, or College and Career Facilitator).

Pre-Advanced Placement (PAP) courses are more complex and abstract. The courses emphasize the academic study and performance skills to help prepare or continue the advanced learner to successfully complete the Advanced Placement (AP) classes in that subject area. LCISD students who attended Middle and/or Junior High School in this district will continue the higher-level skill building that they previously experienced in the four core subject areas. Please see Class Rank/Weighted Grades for specific grade weights. PAP courses may require summer reading. See campus website for details.

Pre-Advanced Placement (College Board Pre-AP) Pre-AP Program courses, offered to schools by College Board, provide grade-level appropriate instruction through focused course frameworks, instructional resources, and learning checkpoints. They are designed to support all students across varying levels of abilities through focus. The Program grants educators and their students the space and time for deep engagement with content through close observation and analysis, evidence-based writing, higher-order questioning, and academic conversation. Please see Class Rank/Weighted Grades for specific grade weights. Pre-AP courses may require summer reading. See campus website for details.

Advanced Placement (AP) classes cover the breadth of information, skills, and assignments found in corresponding college courses and meet peer-review standards set by top educators in conjunction with the College Board. AP classes prepare students to take College Board Advanced Placement tests that may make them eligible to receive college credit. Please see Class Rank/Weighted Grades for specific grade weights. AP courses may require summer reading. See campus website for details. All students enrolled in Advanced Placement are expected to take the AP exams.


All identified GT students at the high school level are required to take at least one Pre-AP, AP each year. If you are a GT student and are not enrolled in one of these courses, please contact the following to furlough or exit from the GT Program:

Weighted Grade Policy

Numerical Grade Weights

For the purposes of Class Rank a numerical multiplier will be applied as follows below to calculate a student's GPA. Calculation of students' official class rank is governed by Policy EIC (Local).

* Note: OnRamps courses weight at the PAP and DC level, please reach out to your DC Counselor.

AP Courses/Dual 1.3 Multiplier
Pre-AP/PAP 1.2 Multiplier
1.1 Multiplier
Leveled Academic
1.0 Multiplier


Course Grade X Multiplier = Points Earned
AP Biology OR Dual Physics 88 x 1.3 = 114.4
Algebra I Pre-AP or Algebra II PAP
88 x 1.2 = 105.6
English IV 88 x 1.1 = 96.8

Total points earned divided by (3) classes=GPA
316.80 divided by (3) = 105.60 Wgt. Numerical GPA

Weighted numerical GPA will determine class rank.


Students may earn units of credit in courses specified by Texas Education Agency. Questions about advanced placement examinations may be discussed with the student’s counselor. College Board Advanced Placement Courses are college level courses and are offered in grades 9-12.

Students enrolled in these courses are expected to pay and sit for the Advanced Placement (AP) exam at the end of each of the courses taken.

Grades of 3 or higher on these exams are usually recognized by colleges and universities across the nation and may result in the student receiving credit for the course and/or placing out of that course at the college or university of his/her choice. Consult the high school counselor for additional information.

AP EXAM COSTS: Please refer to your assigned school counselor.

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