National Honor Society

George Ranch High School Chapter Information

The George Ranch High School chapter of the National Honor Society is a select group of students who have prioritized the organization’s four pillars in their lives during high school including service, scholarship, leadership, and character. The purpose of NHS is to develop students into productive members of society by encouraging them to see beyond themselves and engage in their school and community through positive, character-building interactions.

Members are expected to seek excellence in all areas of their life and serve as role models for their student body. As such, members are required to maintain a 104 GPA on a 100 point scale (this is the official weighted GPA calculated by our registrar when determining class rank), participate in at least ONE NHS sponsored group service project each semester, devote a minimum of 12 individual service hours EACH semester to the organization(s) of their choice, participate in at least ONE fundraiser per year, pay yearly dues, and maintain impeccable discipline and character at all times.

Invitations to join NHS are delivered to eligible GRHS juniors and seniors with a 104 GPA and a clean discipline record at the beginning of the fall semester. Applications will be reviewed for evidence of excellence in a student’s service, leadership, school involvement, and ability to articulate their understanding of the four pillars. Once applications are reviewed and scored, selected students will be invited to join NHS. The induction ceremony occurs annually in late September.

As our NHS students are looked upon as role models for the student body, failure to uphold the four pillars of the organization will result in probation and/or dismissal.

Lisa Wyke, Advisor               [email protected]

Rachel Settle, Co-Sponsor     [email protected]

Eric Ryburn, Co-Sponsor      [email protected]



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the National Honor Society?
The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Through the national organization, students have access to college and leadership support and scholarship opportunities. At the school level, our members learn to become leaders and role models, acquiring skills to last throughout their lifetime.

Why should my child join NHS?
The George Ranch chapter of the National Honor Society requires its members to seek excellence in all they do inside and outside the classroom. NHS members are encouraged to utilize their talents and passions to become active, productive leaders in society while growing and maintaining impeccable character.

How does my child get into NHS?
Any student who meets the requirements for scholarship (weighted GPA of 104 or above without rounding and a clean discipline record) will be eligible to apply to NHS. The student will receive an invitation to join the NHS Canvas Application Page in the fall of their junior or senior year through their LCISD email. To be selected, a student must demonstrate good character, leadership, and a desire to render service to their school and community in addition to their academic achievements on their application. No late applications will be accepted.

Can I earn a Letterman Jacket through NHS?
Yes. Students can receive an Academic letter jacket after being inducted into NHS. If students have already earned a jacket, they can request an insert (small lantern patch to sew onto their GR), or if desired, they can purchase the larger NHS sleeve patch on their own. Please note, NHS covers the base jacket and students are responsible for the cost of any patches or embroidery/upgrades to their jacket.

Can my student receive a scholarship through NHS?
Yes. Students can apply for both the National NHS Scholarship and the GRHS NHS senior scholarship. Both scholarships are available to all NHS members in good standing. Monies raised through school NHS member fundraising determines the amount and number of scholarships available from GRHS each year.

When are the meetings?
Meetings will be held each six weeks in person at GRHS before school. Attendance is mandatory and details will be sent out via the NHS Canvas page.

Can my student’s NHS membership be revoked?

Yes. If a student does not meet membership requirements (104 GPA, Annual Dues, Monthly Meeting Attendance, NHS Service Project, Individual Service Hours, No Discipline or Integrity Issues, Participation in Fundraising), the student will be placed on probation or dismissed pending the severity of the offense. Any dues paid will not be reimbursed to dismissed students. Dismissed students cannot reapply and do not wear an NHS collar at graduation.

Once a member, how does my student keep apprised of NHS activities?

All NHS members MUST join the NHS Canvas page and sign up to receive Canvas reminders to their phones. Members are also expected to check their school email and Canvas inbox frequently.