• 2023-24 Certified Staff

    On June 6, 2023, the Kuna School Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adopt the 2023-24 Master Contract.

    Some highlights of the proposal around pay and benefits for certified staff include:

    • A minimum pay increase of $3,550 when compared to the 2022-23 pay scale and an improved salary schedule with quicker movements for additional education.

    • No health insurance premium increase for employees and another option for family insurance (the school district will cover the $359,268 increase in health insurance).

    • Continue to provide Ally Health (our telehealth option available to employees and their families at no cost to the employee).

    If it is your intent to return for the 2023-24 school year, please review, sign, and submit your contract in Unified Talent no later than July 1.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cheri Carr at (208) 955-0281 or hr@kunaschools.org


Current Master Contract

Certified Salary Schedule