• iReady Logo2023 Middle School (6-8) Math Adoption


    The selection of high-quality curricular materials to support effective mathematics teaching and student learning is a critical responsibility of a school district.  High-quality math content sparks student learning and engages students in investigating and discussing mathematics with the teacher and their classmates so that students develop a deep understanding of essential concepts. Curricular coherence not only allows for ensuring the consistency of vocabulary, models, and concepts within and across grade levels, but helps students build a strong foundation of skills and understanding, and allows students to make their own connections between topics and between what they are currently learning and what they have learned before.


    To that end, the K-12 Math Curriculum Review Committee met at the beginning of January 2023 to review current curricular materials as our current contracts with our publishers were expiring. 
    The following work was completed during this time:

    • Established purpose and goals

    • Reviewed essential standards of the newly adopted Idaho State Mathematical Content Standards 

    • Created an instructional vision statement and belief statements for K-12

    • Identified current needs based on teacher feedback and available data

    • Identify needed math manipulatives, K-5

    • Identified needed professional development


    During the review, it was determined that K-5 would renew the contract with i-Ready Classroom Mathematics 2024, and 9-12 would renew the contract with Big Ideas. After piloting several new curricular resources, the middle schools (6-8) opted to move from Big Ideas to i-Ready Classroom Mathematics 2024, aligning with K-5.


    To learn more about the 6-8 adoption, explore i-Ready Classroom using this link.