• Public Records Requests

    Most information does not require a person to file a Public Records Request as allowed in Idaho law. 

    If you can't find what you need, you may contact our Communication Director Allison Westfall. 

    How to Request Public Records That Are Not Student Records or Transcripts

    Public Records Request Online Form

    We will respond to your request within three (3) business days after receiving it or send you a notification that it could take up to ten (10) days for a response. 

    There can be costs associated with the gathering and reproducing of records.

    The customer must pay the appropriate cost to the Kuna School District before the records are distributed.

    If you have questions concerning the costs involved, please contact the Kuna School District Communication Director, Allison Westfall, at 208.922.1000 ext. 1225. 

    All information on this form is a public record.


    Transmit a Public Request Form to our office by one of the following methods:

    • Submit your request electronically by completing the online Public Records Request Form.

    • A request by letter may be made by sending a completed and signed Public Records Request Form to: Kuna School District, 711 E. Porter Street. Kuna, ID 83634 Attn: Public Records Request. 

    • A request by fax may be made by faxing a completed and signed Public Records Request Form to: (208)922-5456

    • A request in person may be made by stopping by the Kuna School District Office, 711 E. Porter Street. Kuna, ID 83634, and dropping off a completed and signed Public Records Request Form  
    • Please sign all forms if you choose to transmit your request via Fax, Regular Mail, or in person.  

    Limitations on the Disclosure of Public Records

    While the Kuna School District is committed to providing records to the public that we may legally disclose, there are significant limitations on what may be disclosed under both state and federal law.
    Prior to submitting a public records request, please consider whether federal or Idaho law bars the disclosure of the information you seek. 

    See Kuna School District Policy Access to Public Records.

    Idaho Public Records Law: As to teachers and employees of the District, Idaho law specifically defines what information may be disclosed. The law allows the District to disclose the public service or employment history, classification, pay grade and step, longevity, gross salary and salary history, status, workplace and employing agency. The statute bars disclosure of other information unless the employee waives such right: “All other personnel information relating to a public employee or applicant including, but not limited to, information regarding sex, race, marital status, birth date, home address and telephone number, applications, testing and scoring materials, grievances, correspondence and performance evaluations, shall not be disclosed to the public without the employee's or applicant's written consent.” See Idaho Public Records Law and Idaho Code 74-106.

    Idaho Teacher Personnel Files: In addition to limitations on disclosure for all employees of a public agency, there are specific limitations upon disclosure for teachers’ personnel files. Personnel files are required by law to include any and all material relevant to the evaluation of the employee. Idaho law states that “Personnel files are declared to be confidential and excepted from public access under any provision of the Idaho Code.” See Idaho Code 33-518

    Student Records are Protected by Federal Law: Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), an educational institution may not disclose the education records or any personally identifiable information contained in the record other than directory information to any third parties without the written consent of the student's parents. 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(b)(1). For purposes of the FERPA, education records are defined as the records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution. 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A). “Personally identifiable information” specifically includes parent’s names. Please note that FERPA does not bar the disclosure of a student’s records to the parents of the student. For more information about FERPA, see FERPA.