Cap and Gown Photos
Cap and Gown Orders Are Due December 15th!
- Please go to to order.
Senior Photos & Baby Photos: Due January 31st.
- Please email them to Becca or bring in a copy to scan.
Yearbook Orders Due April 1st
Senior Breakfast and Graduation Practice: May 3rd - 10am at IPHS.
- Required for all seniors to attend.
Graduation- May 22nd - At Kuna High School School Performing Arts Center.
- Time 6:00pm
- Doors Open to Guests at 5:30pm
- Graduates must arrive no later than 4:30pm.
Final Graduation Practice: Required for all graduates. May 22nd at 9:45am.
Please consider donating your cap and gown after graduation to the front office to help a graduate next year.