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Student & Family Supports
What to do when your child is sick
Please keep a sick child at home. A child who has any of the symptoms below should not be sent to school:
- Fever greater than 100.4°. A child should be fever-free for at least 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school.
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea. A child should stay home for 24 hours to make sure the child can keep food/liquids down.
- Excessive coughing.
Do not send a child to school with notes to stay in because of illness. A child that is too ill to be at school should remain at home unless a chronic condition exists and a doctor recommends in writing that the child may attend, but remain indoors during recess or lunch.Of course there are always exceptions. Your school nurse is a great resource. Please contact them with any questions.
Sick at school: Parents will be contacted to pick up a child who has any of the symptoms above during the school day.
Individuals with specific contagious diseases are asked to follow health guidance to protect others. Some common contagious diseases among children include:
- Strep: Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.4°. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours.
- Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Keep the child home until a doctor has given the OK to return to school. Pink eye is highly contagious and most cases are caused by a virus, which will not respond to an antibiotic. Bacterial conjunctivitis will require an antibiotic; your doctor will be able to determine if this is the case.
- COVID-19: Follow current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for children who test positive.
Health Resources