
Bilingual Program

  • The Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program (TBIP) is defined by Washington state law as a system of instruction which:
    Uses two languages, one of which is English, as a means of instruction to build upon and expand language skills to enable a student to achieve competency in English.
    • Teaches concepts and knowledge in the primary language of a student, while the student also acquires English language skills.
    • Tests students in the subject matter in English.

    Student Eligibility and Placement

    • Eligibility begins with the administration of a Home Language Survey to determine if a language other than English is spoken at home and if the child first spoke a language other than English.
    • If the child speaks a language other than English, the student's English language ability is measured with the Washington Language Proficiency Test within the student's first 10 days of attendance.
    • Students scoring at the Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced Level are eligible for TBIP services. Students who score at the Transitional Level are not eligible.
    • Under federal guidelines, parents must be informed of student placement in a language program within 30 days of placement.