March 13, 2020

    5:30 PM


    Good evening Kiona-Benton City parents and community members,

         I wanted to take a minute to give you all some information following the unprecedented closure of schools statewide by Governor Inslee. While the schools are closed, we will still offer some basic social services to our students and our families. Food Services, for instance, will begin the transition from hot breakfasts and lunch to something take home. District staff met this afternoon to talk through what the transition to “grab and go” meals will look like. We were able to participate in a food service webinar with OSPI that lasted over an hour. There are lots of questions of course, but we will make it work. We are tentatively planning to begin food service on Tuesday with times to be announced.

        Ki-Be School District is in the process of determining our ability to provide a basic daycare system, one that primarily serves homeless students, students of first responders, and students whose parents work in the medical profession. Those kids are the first priority. We have to ensure that cancelling school does not impact the ability of a first responder, or nurse or doctor to have to take time off from their jobs to care for kids. District staff will be working on some scenarios this weekend.

        While the district will be closed for educational purposes and any facility usage immediately, the buildings will be open for any staff and students who want to come in and grab personal items Monday through Wednesday. Administrators and custodians will be in the buildings. We will open the doors from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Wednesday. We will also be notifying everyone who will be in the buildings and considered essential staff for day to day operations and support, but please understand that our buildings will not be open to the public in general.

         If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 588-2001 or email me at Pete.Peterson@Kibesd.org. Please check back regularly for more updates.

    Pete Peterson


    Kiona-Benton City School District

    13 de marzo de 2020

    5:30 PM

    Buenas tardes padres de Kiona-Benton City y miembros de la comunidad,

         Quería tomarme un minuto para brindarles toda la información luego del cierre sin precedentes de las escuelas en todo el estado por parte del gobernador Inslee. Mientras las escuelas estén cerradas, seguiremos ofreciendo algunos servicios sociales básicos a nuestros estudiantes y nuestras familias. Los Servicios de Alimentos, por ejemplo, comenzarán la transición de desayunos y almuerzos calientes a algo que se llevará a casa. El personal del distrito se reunió esta tarde para hablar sobre cómo será la transición a las comidas para llevar. Pudimos participar en un seminario web de servicio de alimentos con OSPI que duró más de una hora. Por supuesto, hay muchas preguntas, pero haremos que funcione. Estamos tentativamente planeando comenzar el servicio de comida el martes con horarios que se anunciarán.

        El Distrito Escolar Ki-Be está en el proceso de determinar nuestra capacidad para proporcionar un sistema básico de guardería, uno que atiende principalmente a estudiantes sin hogar, estudiantes de primeros auxilios y estudiantes cuyos padres trabajan en la profesión médica. Esos niños son la primera prioridad. Tenemos que asegurarnos de que la cancelación de la escuela no afecte la capacidad de un socorrista, una enfermera o un médico de tener que tomarse un tiempo libre de sus trabajos para cuidar a los niños. El personal del distrito estará trabajando en algunos escenarios este fin de semana.

        Si bien el distrito estará cerrado con fines educativos y cualquier uso de las instalaciones de inmediato, los edificios estarán abiertos para cualquier personal y estudiantes que quieran entrar y tomar artículos personales de lunes a miércoles. Los administradores y mantenimiento estarán en los edificios. Abriremos las puertas de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. de lunes a miércoles. También notificaremos a todos los que estarán en los edificios y consideramos personal esencial para las operaciones y el apoyo del día a día, pero comprenda que nuestros edificios no estarán abiertos al público en general.

         Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamarme al 588-2001 o enviarme un correo electrónico a Pete.Peterson@Kibesd.org. Por favor, vuelva regularmente para ponerse al día.

    Pete Peterson


    Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Kiona-Benton


    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Good evening Kiona-Benton City parents and community members,


    I wanted to take a minute to give you all some information following the unprecedented closure of schools statewide by Governor Inslee. While the schools are closed, we will still offer some social services to our students and our families. Food Services, for instance, will begin the transition from hot breakfasts and lunch to something “take home”. District staff met this afternoon to talk through what the transition to “grab and go” meals will look like. We were able to participate in a food service webinar with OSPI that lasted over an hour. There are lots of questions of course, but we will make it work. We are tentatively planning to begin food service on Tuesday with times to be announced.


        Ki-Be School District is in the process of determining our ability to provide a basic daycare system, one that primarily serves homeless students, students of first responders, and students whose parents work in the medical profession. Those kids are the first priority. We have to ensure that cancelling school does not impact the ability of a first responder, or nurse or doctor to have to take time off from their jobs to care for kids. District staff will be working on some scenarios this weekend.


        While the district will be closed for educational purposes and any facility usage immediately, the buildings will be open for any staff and students who want to come in and grab personal items Monday through Wednesday. Administrators and custodians will be in the buildings. We will open the doors from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Wednesday. We will also be notifying everyone who will be in the buildings and considered essential staff for day to day operations and support, but please understand that our buildings will not be open to the public in general.


         If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 588-2001 or email me at pete.peterson@kibesd.org. Please check back regularly for more updates.


    Pete Peterson



    Kiona-Benton City School District



    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

     Good afternoon,


                I wanted to write to our community personally today to attempt to assuage any concerns surrounding the Novel Coronavirus that our region and nation are dealing with. First, let me say that the Benton-Franklin County Health Department and ESD 123 have been incredibly proactive in their work with regional districts, and as of the time that I am writing this, no confirmed reports of COVID 19 have been reported in our two counties. With that though, we are taking steps to ensure that our students and staff are as well protected as possible.


           In addition to our regular cleaning that we perform daily, our custodians are being supplied with a foaming agent that is EPA-approved and will be utilizing this in all high traffic areas and desks, along with door push-bars and knobs. We will be utilizing additional custodial staff as needed to ensure this is done daily. We have a supply of hand sanitizers and sanitary wipes that will be available to all staff as well whenever needed. The district’s custodial and maintenance programs continue to emphasize and implement best practices in cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing methods.


          As you know, prevention is key and the following methods continue to be the most recommended preventative measures for students and staff:


    • Staying home when they are sick and/or running a fever.

    • Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after they blow their nose. If hands are visibly dirty, use soap and water to clean hands.

    • If soap and water are not readily available, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.

    • Advising persons to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    • Covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash and cleaning hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available).

    • Urging students and staff to get a flu shot during the flu season.

    • Providing adequate supplies for good hygiene, including clean and functional handwashing stations, soap, paper towels, and alcohol-based hand sanitizer.


         It is important for our community to know that the school district has not sent anyone home from any of our schools who are believed to have contracted COVID 19. We are required to alert the Health Department in that case, and to this point we have not made any such reports. We will continue to rely on the best practices that the Benton-Franklin County Health Department provides and will update all members of our school community if our situation changes. More information about COVID-19 can be accessed by calling the Washington State Department of Health at 1-800-525-0127, or our local Benton-Franklin Health District at 509-460-4200. Have a good day everyone!


    Pete Peterson


    Kiona-Benton City School District #52


    Miércoles 4 de marzo de 2020


    Buenas tardes,


          Quería escribirle personalmente a nuestra comunidad hoy para tratar de calmar cualquier inquietud relacionada con el Novel Coronavirus con el que nuestra región y nuestra nación están lidiando. Primero, permítanme decir que el Departamento de Salud de Condado de Benton-Franklin y ESD 123 han sido increíblemente proactivos en su trabajo con los distritos regionales, y hasta el momento en que escribo esto, no se han reportado informes confirmados de COVID 19 en nuestros dos condados con eso, sin embargo, estamos tomando medidas para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes y el personal estén tan protegidos como sea posible.


          Además de nuestra limpieza regular que realizamos a diario, nuestros conserjes reciben un agente espumante aprobado por la EPA y lo utilizaran en todas las áreas y escritorios de alto tráfico, junto con las barras de empuje y las perillas de las puertas. Utilizaremos personal de custodia adicional según sea necesario para garantizar que esto se haga a diario. Tenemos un suministro de desinfectantes para manos y toallitas sanitarias que también estarán disponibles para todo el personal cuando sea necesario. Los programas de mantenimiento y custodia del distrito continúan enfatizando e implementando las mejores prácticas en métodos de limpieza y desinfección.


         Como saben. La prevención es clave y los siguientes métodos siguen siendo las medidas preventivas más recomendadas para los estudiantes y el personal:


    • Quedarse en casa cuando están enfermos o tienen fiebre.

    • Lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos, especialmente después de ir al baño, antes de comer y después de sonarse la nariz. Si las manos están visiblemente sucias, use agua y jabón para limpiarlas.

    • Si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use un desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol con al menos 60   porciento de alcohol.

    • Aconsejar a las personas que eviten tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca con las manos sin lavar.

    • Cubrirse la boca al toser o estornudar con un pañuelo desechable, luego tirar el pañuelo a la basura y lavarse las manos con agua y jabón o desinfectante para manos (si no hay agua y jabón disponibles).

    • Instando a los estudiantes y al personal a vacunarse contra la gripe durante la temporada de gripe.


                    Proporcionar suministros adecuados para una buena higiene, incluidas estaciones de lavado de manos        limpias y funcionales, jabón, toallas de papel y desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol.


          Es importante para nuestra comunidad saber que el distrito escolar no ha enviado a nadie a casa desde ninguna de nuestras escuelas que se cree que han contraído COVID 19. Estamos obligados a alertar al Departamento de Salud en ese caso, y hasta este punto no hemos hecho tales informes. Continuaremos confiando en las mejores prácticas que brinda el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Benton-Franklin y actualizaremos a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar si nuestra situación cambia. Puede obtener más información sobre COVID-19 llamando al Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington al 1-800-525-0127, o a nuestro Distrito de Salud de Benton-Franklin local al 509-460-4200. ¡Tengan un buen día!


    Pete Peterson


    Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Kiona-Benton #52

    (Posted: March 3, 2020) We have learned there was a presumptive case of COVID-19 (coronavirus) at Wildhorse Resort in Pendleton, OR. Individual staff members and families who have recently traveled to Wildhorse have contacted the District for guidance. District officials contacted the Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) and BFHD says the risk to the public is minimal and they do not recommend any further action at this time. All staff and families are encouraged to continue to use good hygiene practices including frequent hand-washing and the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Out of an abundance of caution, district custodial staff will sanitize high-touch surfaces and known staff and student locations.

    Staff and students should stay home if they have symptoms of illness, such as a fever or deep cough. The Benton-Franklin Health District recommends they follow-up with their primary care medical provider. As public health information concerning the illness and recommended precautions continues to come in, the District will be following up with regular updates.

    Below are additional resources regarding COVID-19:

    Washington State Department of Health  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


    Pete Peterson


    Kiona – Benton City School District

    Kiona – Benton City School District wants to share its preparedness, prevention and information plans with students, staff, and families regarding 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

    The Washington State Department of Health confirms that there is no evidence that COVID-19 is spreading in Washington at this time, and the immediate risk to the general public in Washington and the United States is considered to be low.

    The Department of Health advises school districts to take the same preventative measures it normally would to prevent the spread of viruses during the regular cold and flu season. Common preventative measures recommended for students and staff include:

    o Stay home when you are sick and/or running a fever.

    o Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after you blow your nose. If hands are visibly dirty, use soap and water to clean hands.

    o If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

    o Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

    o Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and clean hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available).

    o Get a flu shot during the flu season.


    The District’s custodial and maintenance programs will continue to emphasize and implement best practices in cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing our schools.

    District officials are in regular contact with Benton-Franklin County Health District officials and our school nurse have reviewed emergency response plans should COVID-19 arise locally. If this were to occur, the district’s emergency response plan will follow the direction and guidance of local and state health officials and will immediately be communicated with parents and the greater community.

    More information about COVID-19 can be accessed at the links below, or by calling the Washington State Department of Health at 1-800-525-0127, or our local Benton-Franklin Health District at 509-460-4200.


    Washington State Department of Health

    U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



    El Distrito Escolar de la ciudad de Kiona-Benton quiere compartir sus planes de preparación, prevención e información con los estudiantes, el personal y las familias con respecto al Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

    El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington confirma que no hay evidencia de que COVID-19 se esté propagando en Washington en este momento, y el riesgo inmediato para el público en general en Washington y los Estados Unidos se considera bajo.

    El Departamento de Salud aconseja a los distritos escolares que tomen las mismas medidas preventivas que normalmente tomarían para prevenir la propagación de virus durante la temporada regular de resfriados y gripe. Las medidas preventivas comunes recomendadas para estudiantes y personal incluyen:

    • Permanezca en casa cuando esté enfermo o tenga fiebre.

    • Lávese las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón por al menos 20 segundos, especialmente después de ir al baño, antes de comer y después de sonarse la nariz.

    • Si las manos están visiblemente sucias, use agua y jabón para limpiar sus manos.

    • Si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use un desinfectante para manos con base de   alcohol con al menos 60% de alcohol.

    • Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca con las manos sin lavar

    • Cubra la tos o los estornudos con un pañuelo desechable, luego tírelo a la basura y lávese las manos con agua y jabón o desinfectante para manos (si no hay agua y jabón disponibles).

    • Vacúnese contra la gripe durante la temporada de gripe.


    Los programas de mantenimiento y aseo del Distrito continuarán enfatizando e implementando las mejores prácticas para limpiar, desinfectar y esterilizar nuestras escuelas.

    Los funcionarios del distrito están en contacto regular con los funcionarios de Distrito de Salud del Condado de Benton-Franklin y nuestra enfermera escolar han revisado los planes de respuesta ante emergencias en caso de que surja COVID-19 localmente. Si esto ocurriera, el plan de respuesta de emergencia del distrito seguirá las instrucciones y la orientación de los funcionarios de salud locales y estatales y se comunicará de inmediato con los padres y la comunidad en general.

    Se puede acceder a más información sobre el COVID-19 en los siguientes enlaces, o llamando al Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington al 1-800-525-0127, o nuestro Distrito de Salud de Benton-Franklin local al 509-460-4200.