• Vocabulary 7

    Vocabulary 7


    1. Benign- adj- doing little or no harm
    2. Animosity- n- a feeling of strong dislike or hatred; ill will
    3. Capricious- adj- on a whim, subject to sudden changes; erratic
    4. Chronicle- v- to tell a story or (n) the story told
    5. Hapless- adj- unfortunate, luckless
    6. Rogue- n- an unprincipled person; scoundrel, rascal
    7. Proximity- n- nearness;  closeness
    8. Ponderous- adj- having great weight; heavy
    9. Sentient- adj- having sense perception; conscious, thinking
    10. Sanguine- adj- cheerful, perceiving the future favorably; optimistic
    11.  port= carry
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  • Vocabulary Lesson 6

    1. chagrin- embarrassment; being abashed

    2. charisma- a quality that inspires others to want to follow or copy; a sparkling personality

    3. malevolent- wishing evil to others; maliciousness

    4. blithe- carefree; amiable

    5. impetuous- acting without thinking; impulsive

    6. sage- judicious or wise

    7. panacea- a remedy for all diseases, ills, or difficulties

    8. parsimonious- excessive frugality; stingy

    9. sloth- laziness or indolence; inactive

    10. insolvent- unable to pay one's debt; destitute

    11. meter= measure

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  • Vocabulary 4

    Vocabulary 4

    1. benevolent- wishing or doing good for others- adj
    2. amiable- adj- good-natured
    3. impugn-v- to criticize or slur someone's reputation
    4. encroach-v- to trespass
    5. foible- n- a small flaw; fault
    6. kindle- v- to start (a fire)
    7. abrasive- adj- harsh or irritating in manner
    8. cower-v- to cringe in fear
    9. enhance- v- to make greater in value or usefulness
    10. obdurate- adj- hardened against feeling; stubborn
    11. bio= life


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  • Vocabulary Lesson 3

    Vocabulary Lesson 3

    1. Eccentric- adj- unusual; strange (syn: odd, extraordinary)
    2. Destitute- adj- poor; without resources (syn: poor)
    3. Goad- v- to urge on or compel; galvanize 
    4. Ambiguous- adj- unclear; vague 
    5. Insatiable- adj- unable to be satisfied; greedy
    6. Surreptitious- adj- secret and stealthy (syn: sneaky)
    7. Viscous- adj- having relatively high resistance to flow (syn: syrupy)
    8. Myopia- n- nearsightedness or short-sightedness in thinking or planning 
    9. Nostalgia- n- a bittersweet longing for the past (syn: sentimentality)
    10. Kinetic- adj- of or produced by motion (syn: active)
    11. audi= hear
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  • Vocabulary 5

    Vocabulary 5

    1. Acrimonious- bitter or caustic in temper, manner, or speech
    2. Docile- tame or gentle
    3. Guile-sneakiness or trickiness
    4. Cajole- to plead or beg with flattery
    5. Inclement- stormy or unmerciful
    6. Obfuscate- to purposefully make difficult to understand
    7. Reprehensible- deserving criticism or rebuke; blameworthy
    8. Plausible- apparently true or likely
    9. Tawdry- gaudy and cheap
    10. Lachrymose- tearful
    11. 11. bene=good
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  • vocabulary 2

    Vocabulary Lesson Two


    1. Abate- v- to slow or reduce; to make less in amount, degree, or force (syn: lessen)
    2. Chastise- v- to punish, scold, or condemn sharply (syn: punish)
    3. Brevity- n- briefness of duration or time; the quality of being brief (syn: concise)
    4. Coherent- adj- making sense; sticking together logically; capable of logical speech or thought (syn: logical)
    5. Extrovert- n- one who is outgoing and communicative or a person who is expressive (syn: people-person)
    6. Strife- n- bitter conflict; heated, often violent dissention (syn: fight)
    7. Sinuous- adj- twisting, winding (syn: curved)
    8. Prudent- adj- wise in practical matters (syn: sensible)
    9. Pacify- v- to end fighting; to ease the anger and agitation (syn: appease)
    10. Lethargy- n- a state of sluggishness, inactivity, or apathy (syn: vapidness)
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  • Vocabulary 1

    Vocabulary One


    1. Adamant- adj- not giving in or relenting; unyielding (syn: inflexible)
    2. Accolade- n- given as a sign of great respect, approval, or appreciation (syn: praise)
    3. Abhor- v- to shrink from in disgust, hatred (syn: hate)
    4. Acrid- adj- sharp, bitter, or stinging in taste or smell (syn: bitter)
    5. Affluent- adj- wealthy, prosperous (syn: rich)
    6. Vapid- adj- lacking liveliness, zest, or interest (syn: dull)
    7. Tenacious- adj- holding firmly to a belief, stubborn, clinging (syn: retentive)
    8. Vex- v- to annoy or bother (syn: harass)
    9. Lament- v- to express grief for or about (syn: grieve)
    10. Plethora- n- a superabundance, excess (syn: surplus)
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  • Grading Percentages

    Grading Percentages:

    •  60% Major / 40% Minor ( All class levels)
    • Major Grades should include, but are not limited to:
    • Test/Assessments
    • Projects
    • Presentations
    • Minor Grades should include, but are not limited to:
    • Participation grades
    • Daily Assignments/ Homework
    • Quizzes


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  • Subordinating conjunctions song

    After Unless

    Although Until

    As When 

    Because, Whenever,

    Before Where

    If Whereas

    Since Wherever

    Than While


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  • DGP Form

    DGP Form


    Monday: Identify each word as a noun (common, proper, possessive), pronoun (type, case), Verb (action, linking, helping), adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction (coordinating, subordinating, correlative), or interjection. 


    Tuesday: Identify sentence parts including subject ( complete and simple), complete predicate, verb (transitive or intransitive), direct object, indirect object, predicate nominative, predicate adjective, appositive, appositive phrase, and prepositional phrase (adjective or adverb).


    Wednesday: identify each clause as independent or  dependent; identify the sentence type as simple, compound, or complex; and identify the sentence purpose as declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory.


    Thursday: Add capitalization and punctuation including end punctuation, commas, semicolons, apostrophes, underlining, and quotation marks.


    Friday: Fill in the diagram structure using this week’s sentence. (Hint: To start, make a cross and place the simple subject on the left and the verb on the right.)

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