Phone: 334-677-5153


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's degree from Troy University in Secondary English/ History. I have a Master's degree from Troy in Secondary English.

Mrs. Amanda White Smith

This school year marks the start of my 25th year teaching in Houston County! I have taught English Language Arts mostly, but I have also taught history and reading. I have taught primarily 6th and 7th grades throughout my career, but I have taught 8th and 11th, as well. However...this year I will be teaching 8th grade, the grade in which I started at Wicksburg! Another neat fact is that I have moved back into the first room I taught in upon coming to Rehobeth! I am very excited and nervous (to be honest). I have been at Rehobeth for 18 years and, prior to that, at Wicksburg for 6 years. I was even an aide in Kindergarten for half a year in Geneva County before coming to teach in Houston County! In total, I have been in education for 24 and 1/2 years.

This year I am teaching 8th grade English Language Arts, as I mentioned before . That includes grammar, vocabulary, literature, and writing. 

Throughout my teaching career, I have served as cheer sponsor, Beta sponsor, and Robotics sponsor. Also, I have served on various committees.

I have been married for 26 years to Thad Smith, who also works in education in the technology department for Geneva County Schools, and we have four children. We live on a farm in Slocomb in Geneva County.

I do use Remind for announcements, but this website is also a good place for vocabulary lists, assignments, and other pertinent information. My email address is should you need to contact me.