Staff Recognition at Board Meeting
At the November 13th meeting of the Board of School Trustees, Goshen Community Schools recognized the following individual teachers for their hard work and excellence in producing student achievement results.
Theresa Hussey and Todd Williams-Goshen Middle School
Michelle Eckelbarger, Esmeralda Gutierrez, and Tonia Rensberger-Model Elementary School
Dolores Pfenning (In the classroom for 2016-17, now the EL Director)–Prairie View Elementary School
Corrie Miller and Carrie Markham-West Goshen Elementary
The scores are figured on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the highest. These teachers earned the highest “value added score” possible from the Indiana Department of Education for student results on the ISTEP in 2017. The value added scores are derived from both student growth and proficiency.
We know that all GCS teachers work hard on behalf of students every day, and we acknowledge these individual teachers who have demonstrated that their hard work has produced excellence in student achievement.