Phone: 818-249-5871 x.3210 or x.3369


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Ondina Dominguez

Welcome to Mrs. Ondina Dominguez's homepage!
Contact Information
818-249-5871 x. 3210 or x. 3369 


Entmt Tech & Live Prod

ET&LP 1-2  

1 - Check school email for google classroom invitation.

2 - Accept google classroom invitation.

3 - Read information on picking up a class kit at CVHS Library.

4 - On google classroom, you will receive a Zoom invitation for our first class meeting.

ET&LP 3-4 

1 - Check school email for google classroom invitation.

2 - Accept google classroom invitation.

3 - On google classroom, you will receive a Zoom invitation for our first class meeting.

ET&LP 5-6 

1 - Check school email for google classroom invitation.

2 - Accept google classroom invitation.

3 - On google classroom, you will receive a Zoom invitation for our first class meeting.

ET&LP 7-8 

1 - Check school email for google classroom invitation.

2 - Accept google classroom invitation.

3 - On google classroom, you will receive a Zoom invitation for our first class meeting.