Meet the Masters

  • What is Meet the Masters ™?:

    Meet the Masters™ in Monte Vista is an arts program ran by the PTA that follows the Meet the Masters™ curriculum to bring art into the classroom. Every year, the students learn 5 artists from the Meet the Masters™ program. The students get a chance to study the artist’s life, type of art form he/she was known for, study art technique, and create an art piece from what the students learned.


    What does it look like at our school?:

    Meet the Masters™ is broken down into 3 components. First, the students get an art history lesson that covers the artist’s life and his/her lifework in a school assembly. Then, the students learn different art techniques and vocabulary in the classroom. After, the parent docents visit the classrooms to help students with a hands on activity to produce an art piece that reflects the mentor artist they studied.  


    What do we want to achieve through Meet the Masters™ in Monte Vista?

    In Monte Vista, we believe that creativity is driven by understanding art and becoming aware of the art around one’s life. The goal of Meet the Masters™ in Monte Vista is to expose our students to the arts an an early age and develop a lifelong appreciation and understanding for the arts. In doing so, we hope the students will be able to transfer their knowledge of the arts and be able to use it in various platforms of their lives.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact: