Curriculum Support - Variety of Subjects
Curriculum Support - Variety of Subjects
Language Arts Links
AAA Spell
A free online site that allows you to practice your own spelling & vocabulary words, or use one of the lists available.
Accelerated Reader Book Finder
Find out if your book has an Accelerated Reader (AR) test and/or what reading level your book is.
Discovery Education - English Homework Help
Videos that assist students with written and verbal communication.
Curriculum Support
Variety of Subjects
Common Core Worksheets
Find or create worksheets for all subjects that meet common core standards.
Khan Academy
Free online practice and support for all areas of curriculum using videos to demonstrate concepts.
Lesson Pathways
Lesson Pathways has online resources & links for K-5th grade curriculum in all subjects.
Lessons Snips
Teaching lessons, worksheets and more for Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies for a small yearly fee.
Parent Child Education
K-5th grade acitivites to help the parent teach at home a variety of subjects.
Math Links
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
A Maths Dictionary for Kids is an animated, interactive online math dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language.
Everyday Mathematics
Online EDM games and curriculum support. Must contact Mrs. Curtiss for user name and password.
Science Links
1st-5th Grade McMillan/McGraw Hill Science Lab Workbook
From this site download the 1st-5th grade science lab workbook
Handbook of Nature Study Blogspot
Handbook of Nature Study Blogspot is an online nature journal using Anna Comstock's book Handbook of Nature study as a textbook and the great outdoors as the classroom. Home of the Outdoor Hour Challenges - teaching the study of nature in an outdoor setting.
Kidsblogs National Geographic
Kidsblogs National Geographic has stories, games, activities, and crafts about animals from the online edition of National Geographic's new Little Kids magazine for children.
Social Studies Links
US Postmaster Curriculum
Learn about different cultures using stamps. The US Postal Service offers free curriculum guides for standards-based lesson plans and materials to aid in the exploration of museum themes and skills within the classrooms.
Art/Music/PE/Typing Links
Artists Helping Children
100's of art and craft ideas to suppliment your studies or to fill a rainy afternoon.
Play free online games related to the arts and music. Additional investigation pages where you can dig deeper into interesting topics in the arts are also available.
National Gallery of Art Zone for Kids
NGAkids Art Zone interactives offer an entertaining and informative introduction to art and art history. Featuring a variety of art-making tools that encourage exploration and creativity, these activities are suitable for all ages.