

Degrees and Certifications:



  1. Attendance

You are expected to be on time to class and in your assigned seat when the bell rings.  If you are late to class four or more times, you will receive an automatic citizenship grade of U (Unsatisfactory) for the quarter.  If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and ask for any handouts or assignments.  Ask a classmate, check Google Classroom or email me at:

  1. Homework

Homework may be assigned on Tuesdays or Thursdays, with the exception of long-term projects.  You are expected to have your homework finished BEFORE class begins or else it will be considered late and you will lose points.  Check assignments on Google classroom.  Codes are as follows:  P1-bjtwz9g, P2-uzbdii, P3-22mpa68, P4-8ys6lk, P6-r83g7gj

III.  Grading

Your academic grade is a cumulative point total based on test scores, homework, projects and class work.  Grades will be calculated according to following scale:

         90% - 100% = A        70% - 79%  = C        0%  - 59%  = F  

         80% - 89%  = B        60% - 69%  = D                         

Citizenship grades are determined by your attitude, effort and social skills according to the rubric on your History Guidelines and Regulations handout.

  1. Extra Credit

Opportunities for extra credit may be available throughout the year and will be announced in class.  It would be wise to take advantage of these opportunities when they are offered.  No individual extra credit assignments will be given to one student.

  1. Materials needed

The following items are recommended for each student:

  • Three ring binder for History with loose leaf lined paper for class work
  • 1-Single Subject Spiral Notebook, 100 page works best, 9x11 or 8.5x10.5, college or wide ruled
  • Pens (multiples of black, blue, and red)
  • Markers, super ultra-fine black ink for maps and labeling
  • Highlighters, at least 3-5, multiple colors
  • Pencils, with erasers
  • Colored Pencils, pack of 12 or 24
  • Glue sticks
  • a pair of scissors
  • white out tape
  1. Expectations

You are expected to ACT RESPECTFULLY AT ALL TIMES and follow our Rosemont R.O.C.K.S Rules.  If your behavior is not aligned to our R.O.C.K.S. expectations, your parents may be called/emailed, you may lose privileges, you may be sent to the assistant principal’s office with a referral or something else may be done at my discretion.

VII. Agreement

I have read the policies of Mrs. Dawson’s class and I understand what is expected of me.  I will do my best to behave appropriately and be a successful student of History.  I realize that my actions may affect my academic and citizenship grades.



_______________________________                      ____________________________

PRINT your student name here            PRINT Parent Name/s


___________________________              _________________________

SIGN your student name here                      PARENT SIGNATURE/S



What are the 7 basic strategies to follow in order to do well?

  1. Follow our Rosemont R.O.C.K.S. Rules!
  2. Be on time and ready to learn!
  3. Read the materials and study!
  4. Gum, candy, food, or drinks (other than water) are NOT permitted in class.
  5. Be prepared with your school supplies.
  6. Electronic devices, including phones, must be off and stored in your backpack.
  7. Read the agenda, know what’s going on, and BE AN ACTIVE THINKER!


What should I do if I am ever absent from Mrs. Dawson’s class?

  • It is your responsibility to check with the teacher to see what you have missed, if you are returning from an absence.
  • Check in with a classmate. Communicate with them from home via text, phone, or email.  (After school hours, of course!)
  • Check homework assignments on your Google Classroom account. Codes are as follows:  P1-bjtwz9g, P2-uzbdii, P3-22mpa68, P4-8ys6lk, P6-r83g7gj
  • If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will take the test when you return.
  • It is your responsibility to turn in your missed work to Mrs. Dawson as soon as possible. If you fail to turn it in, it will be recorded as a zero. Grades of zero points will greatly affect your overall grade.


How is my Citizenship Grade determined?

There are 4 Citizenship Grades that can be earned by YOU.  They are O, S, N, & U.


O-OUTSTANDING:  This student is on time to class every day.  This student follows all classroom and school rules exceptionally, is an active participant in class, and is cooperative with the teacher and fellow students.  This student makes good choices, enjoys learning, and is engaged in class.  Effort goes above and beyond expectation all the time.

S-SATISFACTORY:  This student has 1-2 unexcused tardies to class.  This student follows the classroom rules, actively participates in class, and is cooperative with the teacher and fellow students most of the time.  Effort meets expectations most of the time.

N-NEEDS IMPROVEMENT:  This student has 3 unexcused tardies to class.  This student has a tendency to break classroom and school rules, has a tendency to disrupt the teacher or fellow students during class time, and does not work cooperatively with class members most of the time.  At times, this student does not make good choices.

U-UNSATISFACTORY:  This student has 4 or more unexcused tardies to class.  This student has difficulties following class and school rules most of the time, has difficulties functioning as a student in a regular classroom setting, and needs frequent reminders.  Unfortunately, this student does not make good choices most of the time.